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Abstract Our project is based on the idea of exploring algae bio- fuel technology. During our research we discovered that scientists haven’t compared algae.

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Presentation on theme: "Abstract Our project is based on the idea of exploring algae bio- fuel technology. During our research we discovered that scientists haven’t compared algae."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abstract Our project is based on the idea of exploring algae bio- fuel technology. During our research we discovered that scientists haven’t compared algae species for bio-fuel yields and there is limited knowledge of which grows most efficient or which algae produces the most oil for fuel. We researched various species of algae that scientists individually propose to grow the fasted and contain the highest concentration of oil. We narrowed down the many species of algae to four species that we would grow and compare growth efficiency and oil yields. We plan to use the oil that we have extracted from the algae to convert to bio-fuel. With our data and conclusions we will determine which algae species is the best choice for mass producing as a bio-fuel to replace fossil fuels. Growth Habitat Our group has decided to do a series of studies that will explore the best conditions for producing algae biofuel. The first experiment we plan to do is test how successful our growing system is for growing algae. We will experiment with the algae species Spirulina, which is not an oil yielding algae species and could not be used for algae biofuel but is used in mass production. Because of its ability to be mass produced, we can infer that it has a successful growth rate and has a fair chance of growing under our model’s conditions. We will add the Spirulina algae to the system, along with algae medium, and use the air pump to circulate air through the water and agitate the algae so it does not suffocate itself. After two weeks, the algae will be harvested. To harvest the algae we will fasten a 25 micrometer mesh to the opening of the bottle with rubber bands and drain the water from the bottle. When all the water is strained out and the algae is isolated, we will remove the algae from the bottle with a sterilized tool. Once all the algae is removed, it will be weighed to determine the mass of the algae. Then we will do various other calculations to determine the growth rate and the mass increase. To confirm that our algae is alive, we will extract a portion of the algae and place it on a new blank slide. The algae will be examined under a microscope and compared to other photos of the same Spirulina algae to ensure it still appears healthy and the cells look undamaged. Oil Extraction Our second experiment will test using a mortar and pestle to extract oil from the algae. If this method is successful it would be convenient for the production of algae biofuel since it does not take any energy and is very inexpensive. We plan to strain the water from the algae using the same method used in the previous experiment, with a 25 micrometer mesh. The algae will be dried and then weighed. Then the algae will be placed in the mortar and crushed. The crushed algae will be strained on a clean piece of 25 micrometer mesh allowing the oil to pour into a beaker that would previously been weighed. The beaker with oil will be weighed and the mass of the oil will be calculated. The oil yield percentage will be calculated by dividing the oil’s mass by the algae’s beginning mass. Results Our experiments have produced data and observations that are significant in our study and understanding of algae biofuel. Our first investigation in culturing the Spirulina algae presents that our starting algae of 0.1 grams had grown over the course of a two week period, to a total weight of 0.3 grams. This indicates that the algae had grown a total of 0.2 grams and had tripled its mass in two weeks. Supposing that the algae grew at a constant rate, it was calculated the Spirulina algae increased its mass by about 21% each day. The second examination we performed was attempting to extract the oil from the algae. We received no data in this experiment. We attempted to extract oil from __ grams of Isochrysis and __ grams of Bottryococcus braunii. No oil was extracted and no oil was obtained isolated from the algae’s cell walls. Analyzing Results Our results indicate that the growing system does work and successfully grows algae. However, we doubt that this is the most efficient environment for algae to grow. Our data proposes that this growing system allows Spirulina algae to increase its mass by about 14.3% per day. According to other researchers, Spirulina algae should be able to be harvested every 24 hours due to its fast growth rate. Comparing their statement to our results shows that the Spirulina algae has the potential to increase its mass under different environmental conditions than our growing system has offered in our investigations. Supposing that this growth rate pattern applies to other algae species, the growing system we have built and modified does not meet the standards of production for algae biofuel. According to our conclusions in our investigation on oil extraction, it takes more than just a few grams of algae to successfully obtain oil. Businesses will most likely not want to use resources to extract oil from small amounts of algae at a time. For mass production the Algae will need to be harvested in immense amounts and to keep up with the high demands of fuel around the US algae will need to be reproducing fast and growing at a rapid rate. Our investigation leads to the conclusion that this algae growth model and oil extraction process does not grow algae at their potential growth rate and could not sustain a business of Algae biodiesel, not to mention replace the use of fossil fuels for the world. Future In the future, we hope to perform a larger experiment on comparing the different growing systems of algae, including testing photobioreactors, algae greenhouses, etc. Once we find a growing system that meets the standards of mass production and achieves an optimal growth rate for algae, we will test each different factor of algae biofuel one experiment at a time. Once each component of our algae biofuel model is complete we will expand this information to outside science community to receive feedback and advice. Since there is very little solid results on algae biofuel, we will advertise information that is not yet public. We found that there was very little information on algae biofuel available to the public that was cost free. We will make a free science based website, easily accessible to the public so people can be aware of alternative fuel sources and how they themselves can make their own fuel or where they may buy fuel that is dependent of fossil fuels. To make a larger difference our group plans to talk to business owners and inform them of research that has been done by us as well as other scientists, so that they may begin or evolve a business lessening their dependency on fossil fuels. This idea will evolve and hopefully be spread throughout the country and the world. Acknowledgments WSU Vancouver, CEF, Utex, Laura Friedenburg, Jennifer Dean, G.S. Murthy, Algae Growth Measurements Algae Growth Rate Philip Barlas, Julianne Johnson, Daniel Lu, Victor Zhang

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