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Why AlgaRisk08? Andrew Wither – Principal Marine Scientist.

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Presentation on theme: "Why AlgaRisk08? Andrew Wither – Principal Marine Scientist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why AlgaRisk08? Andrew Wither – Principal Marine Scientist

2 Why is it necessary? The Revised (2006) Bathing Waters Directive has protection of bathers’ health as its main focus. Article 2: the purpose of this Directive is to preserve, protect and improve the quality of the environment and to protect human health… both cyanobacteria and algae specifically mentioned

3 Article 8 When the bathing water profile indicates a potential for cyanobacterial proliferation, appropriate monitoring shall be carried out to enable timely identification of health risks. …..adequate management measures shall be taken immediately to prevent exposure, including information to the public.

4 Article 9 When the bathing water profile indicates a tendency for proliferation of macro-algae and/or marine phytoplankton, investigations shall be undertaken to determine their acceptability and health risks and adequate management measures shall be taken, including information to the public.

5 Regulations for England and Wales The Agency must undertake investigations for macro-algae and marine phytoplankton in accordance with Part 3 of Schedule 3. Where any bathing water profile indicates a tendency for proliferation of macro-algae or marine phytoplankton, the Agency must undertake investigations at the bathing water to allow adequate management measures to be put in place…..

6 What is AlgaRisk08? The aim is to develop a pre-operational tool for routine use. The two big questions:  does it work?  will it give value for money? Based on a ‘zero-funded’ pilot SWAPP undertaken in 2007

7 AlgaRisk08 structure Earth observation (satellites) to give a picture of bloom formation (PML) Numerical models to predict what will happen over the next few days (Met Office) Simple stochastic model to apply this to an individual bathing water (EA) Applied so far only in parts of SW and NW regions

8 High title template. Use this one if you need more space on slide Switch between them using Format->Slide Design –Use ‘Apply to Selected Slides’ otherwise you’ll change the layout of all the slides (can undo if this happens!).

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