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 TAKS scores have traditionally been low at the elementary I teach at, with the exception of this year.  The schools and the students are being affected.

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2  TAKS scores have traditionally been low at the elementary I teach at, with the exception of this year.  The schools and the students are being affected because it lowers their confidence and may even affect their performance.  TAKS scores TAKS scores

3  My goal is to improve the TAKS scores at Campestre Elementary.  The students will have increased confidence when they learn, and they will also improve their test scores.

4  People involved would be tutors, the students that need help, and I will try to get many student volunteers; students, teachers, and many of my peers.  During the tutoring sessions I will have different stations with activities, or hands-on projects.  The library would be a preferable location because it is big and the students will be able to move around comfortably.

5  The students would be the target audiences because they are the ones being taught; they are the ones learning.  The important supplies that I will need are the math textbook and workbook and manipulatives.

6  My project will start on Saturday, February 5, 2011 and will continue each Saturday until April 9, 2011.  It will take about two months to complete my tutoring sessions.

7  My project requires a large space so that the students be able to move comfortably, so I would prefer to get the school library. I will talk to the school principal and tell her that this will benefit her in looking good and making her be at the top.  I don’t believe that I will need money for the location because it is part of the school.  I will fund the activities by fundraising and getting people in the community to donate.

8  Mrs. Isabel Andresen, the principal at Campestre Elementary will help support my project because she wants a high achieving school.  My ACE teachers, Mrs. Valencia and Mrs. Haggerty will help me by bringing together the volunteers to help me tutor.  The members of the TAFE program will also assist me by becoming the tutors.

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