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Biological Information Life Cycle Habitat $100 One Characteristic of an Immature $100 Food $200 Quickly Draw a Picture of a Mature $200 Importance $300.

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Presentation on theme: "Biological Information Life Cycle Habitat $100 One Characteristic of an Immature $100 Food $200 Quickly Draw a Picture of a Mature $200 Importance $300."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biological Information Life Cycle Habitat $100 One Characteristic of an Immature $100 Food $200 Quickly Draw a Picture of a Mature $200 Importance $300 Describe a Mature $300 Stoneflies Jeopardy

2 Habitat Live beneath stones in fast-moving, well- aerated water.

3 Food Most species feed on algae and other submerged vegetation.

4 Importance Used by ecologists as indicators of water purity because they are extremely sensitive to water pollution. Stoneflies are an important source of food for game fish (i.e. trout and bass) in cold mountain streams.

5 Characteristics of Immature Antennae long Body flattened and legs widely separated Gills present as tufts behind the head, at base of legs, or around the anus Each segment of thorax is covered by a large scale Multi-segmented

6 Picture of Mature

7 Characteristics of Mature Antennae long Front wings long and narrow Hind wings shorter than front wings Base area of hind wing enlarged and pleated Multi-segmented

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