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Published byLinette Barrett Modified over 8 years ago
1 ITEC 2010 Chapter 9 – Design
4 The Structure Chart Structure chart –A hierarchical diagram showing the relationships between the modules of a computer program –The objective of structured design is to create a top- down decomposition of the functions to be performed by a given program in a system – use a structure chart to show this –E.g. shows functions and sub functions (such as Calculate base amount, Calculate overtime amount etc.) –Uses rectangles to represent each such module (the basic component of a structure chart –Higher-level modules are “control” modules that control flow of execution (call lower level modules which are the “worker bee” modules that contain program logic)
6 Structure Chart characteristics Structure chart is based on the idea of modular programming (and top-down programming) –Breaking a complex problem down into smaller modules –Modules are well formed with high internal cohesiveness and minimum data coupling –Vertical lines connecting the modules indicate calling structure –Little arrows next to the lines show the data passed between modules (inputs and outputs) Data couples: individual items that are passes between modules Program call: the transfer of control from a module to a subordinate module to perform a requested service (can be implemented as e.g. a function or procedure call)
7 Structure Chart Symbols Rectangles represent modules –Can represent a function (e.g. C), a procedure (e.g. Pascal), a paragraph (e.g. COBOL), subroutine (e.g. FORTRAN) etc. –Rectangle with double bars represents a module used several places (optional) Little arrows with open circles represent data couples Little arrows with closed circles represent control couple flag (e.g. end of file flag) Curved arrows immediately below a boss module represents iteration (looping) Darkened diamond represents a conditional call to lower modules
10 Notes on Structure Chart Each module does a very specific function Module at top of the tree is the boss module –Function is to call modules on level below, pass information to them Middle level modules control the modules below –Call them and pass data At the very bottom, the leaves contain the actual algorithms to carry out the program functions Call of modules is left to right across the tree
11 Developing a Structure Chart Transaction analysis –The development of a structure chart based on a DFD that describes the processing for several types of transactions –Uses as input the system flow chart and the event table to develop the top level of the tree in a structure chart Transform analysis –The development of a structure chart based on a DFD that describes the input-process-output data flow –Used to develop the subtrees in a structure chart – one for each event in the program
12 Transaction Analysis First step is to identify the major programs –Can do it by looking at the system flow chart and identifying the major programs For a subsystem or program we want to make a structure chart for, we can look at the event- partitioned DFD to identify the major processes –See next slide, shows event-partitioned DFD for the order-entry subsystem for RMO example, showing 5 major processes –These major processes will become the modules in the resulting high level structure chart (see slide after that)
15 Transform Analysis Based on the idea that computer program “transforms” input data into output data Structure charts developed with transform analysis usually have 3 main subtrees –Input subtree to get data –A calculate subtree to perform logic –An output subtree to write the results Can create it rearranging elements from –DFD fragment for an event (e.g. “create new order”) –The detailed DFD for that event E.g. see next two slides for “create new order” DFD fragment, and its corresponding detailed DFD
18 Steps for creating the structure chart from the DFD 1.Identify the primary information flow 2.Find the process that represents the most fundamental change from an input stream to an output stream – the central transform Afferent data flow: the incoming data flow in a sequential set of process bubbles Efferent data flow: the outgoing data flow from a sequential set of process bubbles Central transform: the central processing bubbles in a transform analysis type of data flow In our example, the record (build) order process is the central process
19 Steps continued 3. Redraw the data flow diagram (DFD) with –The inputs to the left –The central transform process in the middle –The outputs to the right –The parent process (top level – e.g. “Create new order”) above the central transform process (e.g. “Build order”) –See next slide
20 Record Order
21 Steps continued 4. Generate the first-draft structure chart including data couples (directly from our rearranged DFD on the previous slide) See next slide
22 Record Order
23 Steps continued 5. Add other modules as necessary to –Get input data via the user-interface screens –Read and write to the data stores –Write output data or reports These are lower level modules (utility modules) Also add data couples See next slide
24 Record Order
25 Final Steps 6. Using structured English or decision table documentation, add any other required intermediate relationships (e.g. looping and decision symbols) 7. Make the final refinements to the structure chart based on quality control concepts (to be discussed)
26 Combining the top-level structure chart with the chart developed by transaction analysis Basically “glue” the diagram we made (high-level) using transaction analysis on top of the more detailed diagram (for lower-processing) we just made using transform analysis See next slide
28 Evaluating the Quality of a Structure Chart Module coupling –The manner in which modules relate to each other Desirable to have loosely coupled modules – have modules as independent as possible –Module does not need to know who invoked it –Best coupling is through simple data coupling The module is called and a specific set of data items is passed Module function performs its function and returns the output
29 Evaluating Structure Charts (continued) Cohesion –Refers to the degree to which all of the code within a module contributes to implementing one well-defined task Desirable to have modules with high cohesion implementing a single function –Modules that implement a single task tend to have relatively low coupling because all of their internal code acts on the same data item(s) –Modules with poor cohesion tend to have high coupling because loosely related tasks are typically performed on different data items across modules –A flag passed down the structure chart is an indicator of poor cohesion
31 Module Algorithm Design: Pseudocode Next requirement –Describe the internal logic within each module –Three methods Flow charts Structured English Pseudocode (variation of structured English similar to programming language that will be used – e.g. COBOL like or C like pseudocode)
32 Designing the Application Architecture: The Object-Oriented Approach Object-oriented design models provide the bridge between the object-oriented analysis models and the object-oriented programs Object-oriented programs –Basic concept: the program consists of a set of program objects that cooperate to accomplish a result –Objects work together by sending messages –Example: in a graphical user interface (GUI) windows and menus are objects. If you click on a window object a message is sent to display itself (e.g. window, a menu bar etc.)
33 Differences between object oriented and traditional approaches In traditional computer environments there is some sort of central control –E.g. a mainframe computer may be connected to thousands of terminals and controls them centrally –No terminal does work unless directed to by the mainframe In object-oriented environment –Analogy to a network of nodes, where each node can send messages to other independently, but all still work together, but not centrally controlled (no one may be in charge)
34 Overview Programmers use models to code the system Two most important models are design class diagrams and interaction diagrams (sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams) Class diagrams are developed for domain, view, and data access layers Interaction diagrams extend system sequence diagrams
35 Object-Oriented Design – The Bridge Between Analysis and Programming Bridge between user’s requirements and new system’s programming Object-oriented design is the process by which detailed object-oriented models are built Programmers use the design to write code and test new system User-interface, network, controls, security, and database requires design tasks and models
36 Overview of Object-Oriented Programs Set of objects that cooperate to accomplish result Object contains program logic and necessary attributes in a single unit Objects send each other messages and collaborate to support functions of main program OO system designer provides detail for programmers –Design class diagrams, interaction diagrams, (some) statechart diagrams
37 Simplified Design Class for Student Class
38 Object-Oriented Design Processes and Models Diagrams developed during analysis –Use case diagrams, use case descriptions and activity diagrams, domain model class diagrams, and system sequence diagrams Diagrams developed during design –Design class diagrams – set of object-oriented classes needed for programming, navigation between classes, attribute names and properties and method names and properties –Interaction diagrams, package diagrams
39 Design Models with Their Respective Input Models
40 Iterative Process of OO Design Create preliminary design class diagrams model Develop interaction diagrams for each use case or scenario (realization of use cases) Return to design class diagram –Develop method names based on the design of interaction diagrams –Update navigation visibility and attributes Partition design class diagram into related functions using package diagrams (subsystems or layers)
41 Design Class Symbols UML does not distinguish between design class notation and domain model notation Domain modeling shows users’ work environment Design class specifically defines software classes UML uses stereotype notation to categorize a model element by its characteristics
42 Standard Stereotypes Found in Design Models
43 Standard Design Classes Entity – design identifier for problem domain class –Persistent class – exists after system is shut down Boundary – designed to live on system’s automation boundary –User interface and windows classes Control – mediates between boundary and entity classes, between the view layer and domain layer Data access – retrieve from and send data to database
44 Design Class Notation Name – class name and stereotype information Attributes – visibility (private or public), attribute name, type-expression, initial- value, property Method signature – information needed to invoke (or call) the method –Method visibility, method name, type- expression (return parameter), method parameter list (incoming arguments) –Overloaded method – method with same name but two or more different parameter lists
45 Internal Symbols Used to Define a Design Class
46 Student Class Examples for the Domain Diagram and the Design Class Diagram
47 Some Fundamental Design Principles Encapsulation – each object is self- contained unit that includes data and methods that access data Object reuse – designers often reuse same classes for windows components Information hiding – data associated with object is not visible to outside world Navigation visibility – object is able to view and interact with another object
48 Navigation Visibility Between Customer and Order
49 Coupling and Cohesion Coupling – qualitative measure of how closely classes in a design class diagram are linked –Number of navigation arrows on design class diagram –Low: system is easier to understand and maintain Cohesion – qualitative measure of consistency of functions within a single class –Separation of responsibility – divide low cohesive class into several highly cohesive classes
50 Developing the First-Cut Design Class Diagram Extend domain model class diagram: –Elaborate attributes with type and initial value information –Add navigation visibility arrows Detailed design proceeds, use case by use case: –Interaction diagrams implement navigation –Navigation arrows are updated to be consistent –Method signatures are added to each class
51 RMO Domain Model Class Diagram
52 First-cut RMO Design Class Diagram
53 Interaction Diagrams – Realizing Use Case and Defining Methods Realization of use case done through interaction diagram development Determine what objects collaborate by sending messages to each other to carry out use case Sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams represent results of design decision
54 Partial Design Class Diagram for the Look Up Item Availability Use Case
55 Object Responsibility Objects responsible for system processing Knowing about object’s own data and other classes with which it collaborates to carry out use cases Doing activities to assist in execution of use case –Receive and process messages –Instantiate, or create, new objects required to complete use case
56 Use Case Controller System sequence diagram (SSD) shows input messages from external actors within use case Only indicates that messages go to system Use case controller classes are designed as collection point for incoming messages Artifact – class invented to handle needed system function Use case controller acts as intermediary between outside world and internal system
57 Designing with Sequence Diagrams Sequence diagrams used to explain object interactions and document design decisions Documents inputs to and outputs from system for single use case or scenario Captures interactions between system and external world as represented by actors Inputs are messages from actor to system Outputs are return messages showing data
58 SSD for the Look Up Item Availability Use Case
59 First-Cut Sequence Diagram Start with elements from SSD Replace :System object with use case controller Add other objects to be included in use case –Select input message from the use case –Add all objects that must collaborate Determine other messages to be sent –Which object is source and destination of each message?
60 Objects included in Look Up Item Availability
61 First-Cut Sequence Diagram for the Look Up Item Availability Use Case
62 Guidelines for Preliminary Sequence Diagram Development Take each input message and determine internal messages that result from that input –For that message, determine its objective –Needed information, class destination, class source, and objects created as a result Identify complete set of classes affected by each input message –Select objects from domain class diagram Flesh out components for each message
63 Developing a Multilayer Design for Look up item availability First-cut sequence diagram – classes in domain layer Add design for user-interface classes – view layer –Forms added as windows classes to sequence diagram Add design for data access classes – data access layer with separate classes for database Tools build GUI and problem domain classes –Java and Visual Studio.NET
64 Look Up Item Availability Use Case with View Layer and User-Interface Object
65 Partial Three-Layer Design for Look Up Item Availability
66 Designing with Collaboration Diagrams Collaboration diagrams and sequence diagrams –Both are interaction diagrams –Both capture same information –Process of designing is same for both Model used is designer’s personal preference –Sequence diagram – because use case descriptions and dialog follow sequence of steps –Collaboration diagram – emphasizes coupling
67 The Symbols of a Collaboration Diagram
68 A Collaboration Diagram for Look Up Item Availability
69 Look Up Item Availability Use Case Using Iconic Symbols
70 Updating the Design Class Diagram Design class diagrams developed for each layer –New classes for view layer and data access layer –New classes for domain layer use case controllers Sequence diagram’s messages used to add methods –Constructor methods, –Data get and set method –Use case specific methods
71 Design Class, with Method Signatures, for the Order class
72 Updated Design Class Diagram for the Domain Layer
73 Package Diagrams – Structuring the Major Components High-level diagram in UML to associate classes of related groups Identifies major components of a system and dependencies Determines final program partitions for each layer –View, domain, data access Can divide system into subsystem and show nesting within packages
74 Partial Design of a Three-Layer Package Diagram for RMO
75 RMO Subsystem Packages
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