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Conference Orientation Conference Committee 2011 世界聖心學校校長大會 October 20th – 24th, 2011 Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

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Presentation on theme: "Conference Orientation Conference Committee 2011 世界聖心學校校長大會 October 20th – 24th, 2011 Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conference Orientation Conference Committee 2011 世界聖心學校校長大會 October 20th – 24th, 2011 Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

2 October 20th – 24th, 2011 Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

3 Before the conference starts, there are some things that we’d like to inform and remind you of.

4 First, the room that we are using now is the main place for conference meetings.

5 The restroom is behind the conference room.

6 The living room is for breaks.

7 The room to the right of the entrance is cafeteria. We will have meals there.

8 Groups 4-5 Discussion Room Groups 1-3

9 Besides Duchesne Hall, we will visit the Chapel for Opening Liturgy, Kent Hall for Opening Ceremony and The Deck for Lily Procession. documentid=4398361 n/big5/adullam/po00?q1=picdata&q22=459&q3=eb083&q4=%A5j%C2%DD

10 Here we are

11 Here you are Chapel The Deck Kent Hall

12 Seats You may take whichever seat you like after this session. Just remember to take your national flags and name tags with you.


14 Simultaneous Translation and Note-taking Ms. Maria Esther, English Spanish Prof. Catherine Nambride, English French Ms. Stephanie Moore is helping take notes.


16 Clothing

17 Double-check the dates of staying. Pay in NT dollars for those staying at Center. Accommodation

18 Transportation Every morning, buses will pick you up at the hotel and will drive you back at the end of a day. When having outings or field trips, transportation will be served.

19 Souvenirs

20 Receipts The receipts for registration fees and for donation will be given to you later. If you have any further questions, please contact Accountant Director, Ms. Huang. She will be around here to offer help.

21 Post Trip More details will be shared later. Ms. Maureen Ryan Mr. Hildegard Gstach Ms. Brigitta Kunisch Mr. Reinhard Hallwirth Mrs.Hallwirth Ms. Patricia Donnelly Mr. Michael Farmer Mrs. Farmer Sr. Basaula Mayila Sr. Nzenzi Nzeza Mr. Edouard Mabansa Mrs. Carol Doss Ms. Maria Jose Domingez Dr. Patty Fagin Sr. Kathleen Hughes

22 Live Programs You can share the conference with your colleagues at your school at

23 Any questions or suggestions are welcome. Please find the staff in white T-shirt when necessary.

24 Thanks for listening!

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