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I>clicker quiz #14: Moon ’ s motion The moon ’ s spin period and orbital period around the Earth are about the same (both equal to about a month). Which.

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Presentation on theme: "I>clicker quiz #14: Moon ’ s motion The moon ’ s spin period and orbital period around the Earth are about the same (both equal to about a month). Which."— Presentation transcript:

1 i>clicker quiz #14: Moon ’ s motion The moon ’ s spin period and orbital period around the Earth are about the same (both equal to about a month). Which of the following statements is FALSE? A. Only one half of the Moon ’ s surface is sunlit at any given time but all parts of the Moon receive sunlight at one point in time or another B. One half of the Moon is never visible to a person on Earth C. A person on the Moon would see the Earth go through various phases (i.e. different sunlit fractions) at different times and would see the Earth periodically rise and set D. A person on the Moon would see the Earth go through various phases but would not see the Earth periodically rise and set E. The reason for the equality of the Moon ’ s spin and orbital periods is because it is tidally locked to the Earth

2 i>clicker quiz #15: Tidal locking Venus ’ s spin period and orbital period around the Sun are about the same (analogous situtation to the Moon-Earth system). Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. We always see the same half of Venus from Earth B. The same half of Venus always faces the Sun C. It is not possible to observe phases of Venus from the Earth D. It is possible to observe phases of Pluto from the Earth

3 Special Theory of Relativity (STR) Speed of light (in vacuum): c = 300,000 km/s Constancy of the speed of light: Michelson & Morley experiment No signal or object can travel faster than c [The ultimate speed limit!]

4 Basic Principles The speed of light is the same to all observers The laws of physics are the same to all observers Observable Consequences Simultaneity is a relative concept Length contraction: moving rulers appear to be short Time dilation: moving clocks appear to run slow The apparent mass (inertia) of an object increases as its speed increases (impossible to accelerate it up to c) Equivalence of mass and energy: E = mc 2 Special Theory of Relativity (STR)

5 Special relativistic effects are important when the SPEED of an object is CLOSE TO THE SPEED OF LIGHT: v ≈ c

6 Simultaneity and time are relative, not absolute Marion Jones sees A flash before B Marion Jones sees A and B flash simultaneously AB AB

7 Measuring the length of a moving object: Length Contraction The apparent (i.e., measured) length of a moving object is shorter than the “ true ” length (measured when the object is at rest)

8 Measuring time on a moving clock: Time Dilation A moving clock runs slower than its counterpart at rest Stationary ClockMoving Clock

9 Which of the following pictures properly depicts the crescent moon in the evening sky shortly after sunset? A.Neither picture #1 nor picture #2 B.Picture #1 does, but picture #2 does not C.Picture #2 does, but picture #1 does not D.Both picture #1 and picture #2 i>clicker quiz #16 #1 #2

10 i>clicker quiz #17 Say it ’ s midday for an astronomer on Jupiter and, at the same instant, it is midnight for an astronomer on Earth. The sunlit face of the Earth looks like a full circle (i.e., a “ full earth ’’ ) to the astronomer on Jupiter. Which of the following statements is TRUE: A.Jupiter, Earth, and the Sun are in a straight line in that order B.Jupiter is visible to the astronomer on Earth at that instant C.Jupiter is not visible to the astronomer on Earth at that instant D.Jupiter, the Sun, and Earth form a right angle E.Earth, Jupiter, and the Sun are in a straight line in that order

11 Stationary Car Moving Car A Thought Experiment: Length Contraction and an Apparent Paradox The Garage Attendant ’ s Perspective

12 Solution: The driver and garage attendant do not agree on the question of whether the two doors were closed simultaneously Stationary Garage A Thought Experiment: Length Contraction and an Apparent Paradox The Driver ’ s Perspective Moving Garage

13 The scientist in the laboratory witnesses time dilation, while the Uranium atoms “ witness ” length contraction A Real Laboratory Experiment: Direct Verification of Time Dilation and Length Contraction as Predicted by the Special Theory of Relativity Beam of fast-moving Uranium atoms Suitably placed Geiger counter Nuclear fission of Uranium atoms

14 A.The Sun and Solar System lie about 1,000 light years from the center of the Milky Way galaxy B.The carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen present in the Sun and Earth were synthesized in nuclear fusion reactions in the Sun ’ s core C.Mature galaxies tend to look more straggly than infant galaxies D.The subtle ripples in the density of the early Universe from which galaxies formed left imprints that are visible in the Big Bang ’ s afterglow i>clicker quiz #18 Which one of the following is TRUE:

15 i>clicker quiz #19 Which of the following statements is TRUE: A.Einstein first postulated the constancy of the speed of light in formulating his general theory of relativity B.The equivalence of mass and energy is best expressed through the formula: E = mc 2 C.Gravitational redshift is a feature of the special theory of relativity D.The fact that gravity is equivalent to an accelerated frame of reference is the basis of the special theory of relativity

16 General Theory of Relativity (GTR) Principle of Equivalence All objects experience the same motion in a given gravitational field, irrespective of their mass [Galileo's experiment at the leaning tower of Pisa] Gravitational field Accelerated reference frame Gravity can be thought of as a distortion of space-time


18 Observable Consequences of GTR Perihelion precession of Mercury Light bending: Solar eclipse experiment

19 Gravitational lensing: Multiple images, image distortion Gravitational Redshift [Extreme case: light is “ trapped ” in a black hole]

20 General relativistic effects are important in a STRONG GRAVITATIONAL FIELD

21 Quasars, Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), and Black Holes What is an “ active galaxy ” or “ quasar ” ? How is it different from a “ normal ” galaxy? 1. Much, much more luminous 2. Brightness varies rapidly with time [Implication: light emitting region must be small!] 3. Broad emission lines 4. Non-stellar radiation 5. Jets / radio lobes

22 Rapid Variations in Brightness Astronomer 1 light week Intrinsic variations in the luminosity of the quasar get smeared out from our perspective by the difference in light travel time across the emitting region Thus, the rapid variations seen in the luminosity of quasars imply that the size of the light emitting region must be relatively small

23 Broad Emission Lines / Non-stellar radiation

24 Jet and Radio Lobe in the Active Galaxy M87

25 Concept of a Black Hole Definition of escape velocity – the velocity required to escape the gravitational pull of an object of mass M and radius r: (v esc ) 2 = 2 G M / r Escape velocity from the Earth ’ s surface: 11 km/s When the escape velocity for an object reaches the speed of light, not even light can escape from it. Such an object is called a BLACK HOLE! Definition of event horizon or Schwarzschild radius: R BH = 2 G M / c 2 The size of the region around a black hole ’ s within which its gravitational influence is strong enough to trap light! Matter loses its identity when it falls into the event horizon of a black hole. The famous Princeton physicist John Wheeler coined a theorem: A BLACK HOLE HAS NO HAIR!!!!

26 Models of Active Galaxies Black holes: Natural explanation of AGNs and quasars Definition of event horizon or Schwarzschild radius: R BH = 2 G M / c 2 [Characteristic size of region over which radiation is emitted is comparable to Schwarzschild radius of the central black hole] Rapid motion of material swirling into black hole Large Doppler shifts Efficient energy production

27 Models of Active Galaxies Standard model: Accretion disk around black hole Dense, dusty gas torus outside accretion disk Gas clouds heated by radiation from accretion disk Appearance depends on viewing geometry (face-on vs. pole-on)

28 Synchrotron radiation (mostly at radio wavelengths) Charged particles spiral around magnetic field lines Jets and radio lobes Two oppositely-directed rapid streams of material Jets plough into the inter- galactic medium, are slowed down by friction, and produce radio lobes at the ends

29 Hawking Radiation Spontaneous pair production and pair annihilation of matter and anti-matter particle pairs in the “false vacuum” The “false vacuum” relates to quantum uncertainty Occurs near the event horizon of a black hole Leads to evaporation of black holes BH radiates like a black body: T α 1 / M BH Evaporation of BH: 1 M sun BH lasts for as long as 10 70 yrs!

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