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Curriculum Workshop 11/09/15. Curriculum Curriculum for Excellence Core subjects Subject areas.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Workshop 11/09/15. Curriculum Curriculum for Excellence Core subjects Subject areas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Workshop 11/09/15

2 Curriculum Curriculum for Excellence Core subjects Subject areas

3 Learning in Primary 1 Literacy – phonics, reading, writing Number Maths Pips

4 Literacy- Phonics Phonics helps children understand that letters and their sounds are a clue to pronouncing unknown words. We use this as an aid to reading. Soundbites

5 Our name given to the phonic approach at Kirkcaldy West Taught everyday for 30 minutes Begin with the sounds of the alphabet Tallying

6 We start with three letter vowel sandwiches e.g. bad We teach the children to say: bbabad NOT bad

7 Soundbites Our phonics programme has a big impact on reading in school, but it also helps to provide the children with the skills they need for writing and spelling.

8 Early Reading Storyworlds is our core reading scheme and these words will be reinforced through language games and much repetition. There are nine different stages in our reading scheme. Each stage is divided into four separate clusters: Our World Animal World Fantasy World Once upon a Time World

9 Early Reading Looking at the pictures Asking questions Homework Rigby Rocket books

10 Emergent Writing These are some of the stages which children go through: Scribbling Doing pretend writing by drawing squiggly lines Reading aloud while writing Experimenting with letters Writing their own name Asking adult to write on their behalf Drawing pictures/patterns

11 Emergent Writing One of the most important things we can do as adults, is give children the confidence to 'have a go' at writing. We can do this by encouraging the children to make marks on paper. Even though these marks may look like scribbles, it is very important to give praise, as this is the first step in your child being able to write for themselves. Give lots of praise. Pin the writing on the wall even if it only looks like a scribble. Help if children ask you, but never force them to copy your writing. It won't help them to learn any faster. Show children how to use a pencil properly.

12 Number Play and practical activities Begin to learn different maths concepts and language Counting Comparing and ordering Adding and subtraction

13 Number Fingers Fingers are a most accessible resource- perfect for counting, adding, subtracting, saying and singing rhymes Encouraged to use other strategies e.g. in their head

14 Maths Shape: 2D -Circle, Triangle, Square, Rectangle 3D – Cube, Cuboid, Cylinder, Sphere, Cone, Time: Day/Night, Days of the Week, Months of the Year, Seasons O’ Clock Pattern: Continue a pattern of shapes, numbers etc Language of maths: Heavy/light, long/short, thick/thin, Tall/short Information Handling: Interpret simple graph

15 Homework Reading books Storyworld booklets

16 Well Being Indicators

17 Wellbeing Wheel

18 Named Person Every child in Scotland now has a Named Person from when they are born until they are 18 In school it is the Headteacher or Depute Headteacher Their job is to look out for your child and make sure your child is meeting their milestones. You can asked your named person for help and advice if you want

19 Any Questions?

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