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Famous Mathematicians By: Mary Bowling. Aryabhatta  Aryabhata was born in the region lying between Narmada and Godavari, which was known as Ashmaka,and.

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Presentation on theme: "Famous Mathematicians By: Mary Bowling. Aryabhatta  Aryabhata was born in the region lying between Narmada and Godavari, which was known as Ashmaka,and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Famous Mathematicians By: Mary Bowling

2 Aryabhatta  Aryabhata was born in the region lying between Narmada and Godavari, which was known as Ashmaka,and is now identified with Maharashtra  Died in 550 BC in India  We know the year of Aryabhata's birth since he tells us that he was twenty-three years of age when he wrote Aryabhatiya which he finished in 499.  Aryabhata is the author of several treatises on mathematics and astronomy, some of which are lost.  Aryabhata was born in the region lying between Narmada and Godavari, which was known as Ashmaka,and is now identified with Maharashtra  Died in 550 BC in India  We know the year of Aryabhata's birth since he tells us that he was twenty-three years of age when he wrote Aryabhatiya which he finished in 499.  Aryabhata is the author of several treatises on mathematics and astronomy, some of which are lost.

3 Contribution to math  Aryabhata works had also included on the approximation for pi.

4 Picture of Aryabhatta

5 Benjamin Banneker  Was born on November 9, 1731  Benjamin was a black mathematician, astronomer, clockmaker and publisher.  While he was a child he was trained in reading and doing arithmetic by his grandmother and a schoolmaster.  When he was old enough to help around the family farm he quit taking formal education.  Benjamin saw a watch and showed it to Banneker and he started to examine it and its working or how it works.  Was born on November 9, 1731  Benjamin was a black mathematician, astronomer, clockmaker and publisher.  While he was a child he was trained in reading and doing arithmetic by his grandmother and a schoolmaster.  When he was old enough to help around the family farm he quit taking formal education.  Benjamin saw a watch and showed it to Banneker and he started to examine it and its working or how it works.

6 Benjamin continued….  He designed huge replicas of the watch by calculating the gear assemblies and made a huge striking clock.  This invention of Benjamin Banneker served as an accurate timepiece and he earned recognition as a clockmaker.  He designed huge replicas of the watch by calculating the gear assemblies and made a huge striking clock.  This invention of Benjamin Banneker served as an accurate timepiece and he earned recognition as a clockmaker.

7 Pictures of Benjamin

8 Florence Eliza Allen  Florence Allen was born on October 4, 1876 somewhere called Horicon, Wisconsin.  Florence received a masters degree at the university of Wisconsin in 1900 and and 1901.  In 1907 she had become the second woman to receive a Ph.D. in mathematics at the university of Wisconsin-madison.  She had also got a the fourth Ph.D. overall over all of her department.  Florence Allen was born on October 4, 1876 somewhere called Horicon, Wisconsin.  Florence received a masters degree at the university of Wisconsin in 1900 and and 1901.  In 1907 she had become the second woman to receive a Ph.D. in mathematics at the university of Wisconsin-madison.  She had also got a the fourth Ph.D. overall over all of her department.

9 Florence continued….  Her thesis was entitled "The cycle involutions of third order determined by nets of curves of deficiency 0, 1, and 2."  It was published in the Quarterly Journal of Mathematics.  She remained at the University of Wisconsin as an instructor in mathematics for the next thirty years.  Publishing two more papers on "A Certain Class of Transcendental Curves" and "Closure of the Tangential Process on the Rational Plane Cubic".  Then she retired two years later.  Her thesis was entitled "The cycle involutions of third order determined by nets of curves of deficiency 0, 1, and 2."  It was published in the Quarterly Journal of Mathematics.  She remained at the University of Wisconsin as an instructor in mathematics for the next thirty years.  Publishing two more papers on "A Certain Class of Transcendental Curves" and "Closure of the Tangential Process on the Rational Plane Cubic".  Then she retired two years later.

10 Florence's Family Life

11 Pictures of Florence Eliza

12 Aryabhatta resources ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ 

13 Benjamin's resources  mathematicians.html mathematicians.html

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