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Kyle George EDU-384 July 11 th 2014 Strategy that helps students understand writers, citizens, characters, other students. A strategy that encourages.

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2 Kyle George EDU-384 July 11 th 2014

3 Strategy that helps students understand writers, citizens, characters, other students. A strategy that encourages writing across the curriculum...the student will assume a ROLE consider their AUDIENCE, while examining a TOPIC from their chosen perspective, and writing in a particular FORMAT

4 The ROLE of a writer, speaker, artist, historian, reporter, eyewitness. An AUDIENCE of fellow writers, students, citizens, characters. Through a FORMAT that is written, spoken, drawn, acted. A TOPIC related to curriculum content in greater depth.

5 Be differentiated in a variety of ways: readiness level, learning profile, and students interest. Be created by the student (Create a blank row for that option in your grid) One consistent column while varying the other columns in the raft grid. Be creative with different ideas.

6 Complaint Confession contest entry Farewell Journal Diary legal brief Memo news story Obituary Pamphlet photo essay Recommendation Sermon Review

7 ROLEAUDIENCEFORMATTOPIC ParentStudentMeeting SummaryWhat can you do to make a difference in being more personally fit Fitness Magazine Writer ReadershipArticleNot sure what to write?? Your workout could be why? New CoachElementary Fitness Standard E-mail with attachment No more “2 miles plus 100 sit-ups a day”.

8 Let’s pretend that you are your favorite piece of school playground equipment. Create a small poster that will show through words and pictures how students can cooperate to share your idea Pretend you are your teacher talking to student who is new to class. Write a small role-play dialogue of you explaining to the student what the rules are for how students in the class cooperate with one another. Be sure to talk about and give examples of compromise. Pretend you are the classroom clock. Write a letter to the class that describes what you notice when you watch students cooperate. Be sure to give examples of ways you see them compromise and share ideas amongst themselves.

9 ROLEAUDIENCEFORMATTOPIC Playground Equipment StudentsPosterHow-to cooperate with others to share me TeacherNew StudentsRole-Play (Dialogue) How we cooperate in this class Classroom ClockClassLetterWhat I notice when I “watch” you cooperate

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