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 Title Page  Contents Page ◦ Sequence of sections with page numbers  Introduction ◦ What I am going to investigate ◦ Why are people worried?  Scientific.

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Presentation on theme: " Title Page  Contents Page ◦ Sequence of sections with page numbers  Introduction ◦ What I am going to investigate ◦ Why are people worried?  Scientific."— Presentation transcript:

1  Title Page  Contents Page ◦ Sequence of sections with page numbers  Introduction ◦ What I am going to investigate ◦ Why are people worried?  Scientific Background ◦ What is the science involved? ◦ Use textbooks PLUS own research (e.g. Internet) ◦ Each source must be referenced  Arguments that are for and against the argument  My Conclusion ◦ Balanced view addressing both sides of the arguments ◦ Your own opinion based on the research AND a recommendation (ADVICE) are essential  Bibliography ◦ Full URLs are needed for internet sources

2 ◦ For each article:  What is the POINT of the article?  What is the EVIDENCE for their point?  What is YOUR EXPLANATION  Highlight DATA and QUOTES  Reference the work author, publication, year, url  Assess how relevant and reliable the source is.

3  No more that one quotation per paragraph  Sources should be assessed for reliability ◦ who is the author ? ◦ what is the publishing organisation ? – newspaper, tv channel, magazine, scientific journal ◦ Is the article/research peer-reviewed?  Pictures must be fully referenced and a minimum of 3 needed. ◦ Pictures MUST be relevant to your case study and directly commented on.

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