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Mn Services: Responsible Investment for Pension Funds Kris Douma Head of Responsible Investment Support & Active Ownership Mn Services Bangkok Investor.

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Presentation on theme: "Mn Services: Responsible Investment for Pension Funds Kris Douma Head of Responsible Investment Support & Active Ownership Mn Services Bangkok Investor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mn Services: Responsible Investment for Pension Funds Kris Douma Head of Responsible Investment Support & Active Ownership Mn Services Bangkok Investor Workshop 19-1-2009 Bangkok Capital Markets Day 20-1-2009

2 Introduction Kris Douma, trade union (1987-2001), MP (2002-2006) and now working at Mn Services Mn Services is a pension administrator and asset manager Clients: more than 10 Dutch pension funds and 2 insurance companies Industry: like PMT, PME, MITT and Koopvaardij Company, like VOPAK, FORBO, Nutreco and SCA more than 700 employees and almost €60 billion AUM

3 Background Responsible Investment Long history: South Africa, weapons Trade unions, revival of attention since late 90’s, leading to growing awareness at pension fund boards Recently: management of ESG-risk’s (environment, social, governance) as part of fiduciairy duty Zembla broadcast on Dutch TV: public opinion (APM’s, clustermunition, child labour, environment) Growing number of pension funds signing UN PRI

4 Implementation of UN PRI: A first step: what is responsible? UN PRI operationalisation in ‘guiding principles’: Business strategy: ICGN Global Corp. Governance Principles a.o. Corporate governance: ICGN Global Corporate Governance Principles, OECD Principles of Corporate Governance, code Tabaksblat a.o. Human rights: UN Global Compact Labour standards: UN Global Compact (core labour standards ILO) Environment: UN Global Compact Anti-Corruption: UN Global Compact Investment nexus: OECD-Guidelines MNC’s Disclosure: PRI

5 Implementation of UN PRI: From principles to practice! 4 pillars: integration, exclusion, thematic and active ownership Some examples: Integration ESG in selection of Hedge Funds Exclusion of companies with non compliant products (APM/Cluster) Integration of ‘guiding principles’ investment management agreements Active Ownership: voting, dialogue and class actions

6 Voting Policy Recall of all voting rights from external managers, now voting 2000 companies Starting 1-1-2008 customized voting policy, based on ‘guiding principles’ Rhineland perspective (more than 50% independent non executives, no combined CEO-Chairman, against remuneration policy with system risks Extensive voting instructions for shareholder resolutions: core labour standards, consultation employees, favourable to environment etc. Recall of securities, and also voting 50% in blocking markets

7 Active ownership at home market (Eumedion) Coöperation in Investor Platform Eumedion AGM Fortis August 2007: major Dutch pension funds voted against take over of (parts of) ABN AMRO Mn Services: 2008 5 AGM’s of AEX: Akzo Nobel; ArcelorMittal; Heineken; Unibail Rodamco and USG People Mn Services gives Power of Attorney to other Eumedion-members for approximately 15 AEX-companies (Philips, Shell a.o.) Robeco, representing Mn Services clients succesfully voted against remuneration policy Philips

8 Active ownership and high ESG-risk companies Annual report AkzoNobel: “An unidentified risk is a threat, an identified risk is a management issue” Companies that are non compliant with Global Compact are either excluded or part of programme of dialogue Internal programme, contract F&C, participation in UN PRI Clearinghouse Managing ESG-risks: some examples: Wal-Mart PetroChina => Soedan Lundin Petroleum

9 Strategic active ownership Active ownership as a means to influence risk return profile Repsol: stake in Gas Natural, EITI a.o. Punch Taverns: wrong timing of take over Engaging regulators (Eumedion, situation at Continental in Germany) Class actions programme

10 Responsible Investment for Pension Funds: hype or here to stay? The current financial crisis will lead to growing awareness of importance of managing risks, ESG- risks included will lead to growing and continued public attention, both from employees and pensioners as well as from the public at large RI is here to stay!

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