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Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Phylum Porifera Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Contents Table of Contents General description Sponge canal system Unique characteristics.

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2 Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Phylum Porifera

3 Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Contents Table of Contents General description Sponge canal system Unique characteristics Systems (integument, skeletal, muscle, digestive) Systems (respiratory, circulatory, nervous) Systems (endocrine and reproductive) Taxonomy Calcispongiae Hyalospongiae Demospongiae

4 Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Contents Phylum Porifera (por-if-er-a) Grouped as Parazoans - multicellular animals with no well-defined tissue. They are sessile, and asymmetrical (sometimes with radial symmetry). Body organized around a system of water canals and chambers

5 Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Contents Sponge Canal Systems The body plans or structures are based on complexity of water-canal and skeletal system Asconoid Choanocytes line the spongocoel Syconoid Choanocytes are in radial canals off spongocoel Leuconoid Choanocytes are in chambers off of the radial canals.

6 Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Contents Some unique characteristics Spicules Choanocytes (collar cells) No true tissue Pores Body plans (asconoid, syconoid, leuconoid)

7 Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Contents Porifera Systems Integumentary Pinacocytes - thin flat layer of T-shaped cellsSkeletal Spicules and spongin Spicules and spongin (forms of collagen)Muscle Movement cellular by flagella and pseudopodiaDigestive Intracellular; use choanocytes to trap food.

8 Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Contents Porifera Systems Excretory Marine are isotonic, freshwater forms use contractile vacuoles.Respiratory diffusion by individual cellsCirculatory Choanocytes create current, ameboid cells transport foodNervous Cell irritability shown by individual cells

9 Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Contents Porifera Systems Endocrine endocrine like chemical present within individual cellsReproductive External fertilization, or sperm brought in choanocytes and fertilization occurs in chambers. Asexual: regenerate whole sponge from a few spicules, choanocytes and amoeboid cells. Gemmules Gemmules in freshwater sponge (a few marine ones)

10 Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Contents Spongin Spicules Gemmule Arrow pointing to spicule

11 Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Contents Porifera Taxonomy Calcispongiae Calcispongiae Class: Calcispongiae (cal-si-spon-ge-a) Calcispongiae Scypha (Grantia or Sycon) Leucosolenia Hyalospongiae Hyalospongiae Class: Hyalospongiae (hi-a-lo-spon-ge-a) Hyalospongiae Euplectella Demospongiae Demospongiae Class: Demospongiae (dem-o-spon-ge-a) Demospongiae Euspongia (Spongia) Spongilla Sclerospongiae Class: Sclerospongiae (skler-o--spon-ge-a) No specimens

12 Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Contents Class Calcispongiae Spicules of calcium carbonate (all three canal systems present in class) Grantia (Scypha) Leucosolenia (stained) Spicules Taxonomy

13 Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Contents Class Hyalospongiae Six-rayed silicon spicules Euplectella (Venus’ flower basket)

14 Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Contents Class Demospongiae Presence of spongin, or silicon spicules (that are not six-rayed) or both. Euspongia (Spongia) Spongilla

15 Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Contents End of Phylum Porifera

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