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BIT 286: Web Applications Automated Web Testing. Selenium  Selenium Is moving from being Firefox based to being more of a 'normal desktop' program that.

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Presentation on theme: "BIT 286: Web Applications Automated Web Testing. Selenium  Selenium Is moving from being Firefox based to being more of a 'normal desktop' program that."— Presentation transcript:

1 BIT 286: Web Applications Automated Web Testing

2 Selenium  Selenium Is moving from being Firefox based to being more of a 'normal desktop' program that happens to script the browser for testing purposes   We're going to stick with the old version   To install this:  You'll need the Firefox browser   (about ½ way down, search for "Selenium IDE") 2

3  Installing  Looking at the Selenium IDE panel  List of test cases, recording button @ top  Let's record a simple test  Verify that the title, h1 element have the expected values  Run it  2 nd test  Create new test  Verify that clicking on button causes error message  Run test suite  3 rd test  Leave input blank & click on button causes different error message 3

4  Assert vs. verify  Assert will stop the test if it fails  Verify will keep going if the verification fails  Can match text via glob or regex  Selenium includes a debugger 4

5 Integrating This Into Your Project: How manage lots of tests  You can save a Suite of tests (File  Save Test Suite)  This will want to save each test individually  It doesn't seem to tell you what it's saving as it ask for file names :/  It does save them into.xhtml format (so you can check it into GitHub, etc)  You can then open the suite later (File  Open Test Suite…)  If things got saved right it'll open up the test cases 5

6 Work For Today  First, everyone install + play around with this a bit to get familiar with it  Next, try creating a suite of tests + saving them (and also re-load them)  Finally, go to the test plan we came up with last class & pick a couple of tests cases to implement 6

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