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Unit 2: Social Change. What is Social Change? Changes in the way society is organized Changes in the beliefs/practices of the people Expect enormous political,

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2: Social Change. What is Social Change? Changes in the way society is organized Changes in the beliefs/practices of the people Expect enormous political,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2: Social Change

2 What is Social Change? Changes in the way society is organized Changes in the beliefs/practices of the people Expect enormous political, economic, and social changes to take place in society during your lifetime

3 Sample Questions about Social Changes Will the influence of organized religions grow or diminish? Will acceptance of alternative lifestyles such as common-law marriages increase or decline? Will we have the same civil rights in the near future? More? Less?

4 The Study of Social Change Most social changes occur naturally, as a result of the multitude of factors operating within society

5 The Anthropological Approach Focus: Change in Cultures Occurs gradually; cultures normally do not change suddenly unless destroyed by another culture. Focus on enculturation: process by which members of a culture learn shared ideas, values and beliefs.

6 Anthropological Questions What explanations can we use to describe what causes cultures to change? Are the findings for one period valid for another?

7 Anthropologists – Factors Causing Cultural Change 1. Change in the society’s leadership 2. Shift in the social values and norms 1. Technological changes 2. Environmental changes

8 Anthropology – Sources of Cultural Change Invention: New products, ideas and social patterns that affect the way people live. i.e. portable stereo in the 1980s Discovery: Finding something previously unknown to a culture i.e. Discovering life on another planet may change the way we think about ourselves Diffusion: Spreading of ideas, methods and tools from one culture to another i.e. acupuncture from Asia to Canada

9 The Psychological Approach Focus: Why & How individuals change their attitudes (what they think) & behaviours (what they do) Question of persuasion: i.e. being convinced/influenced by a friend vs. a stranger

10 Psychological Questions What factors make behaviour modification programs successful? Do most people need help changing behaviour, or can they be self-changers?

11 The Sociological Approach Focus: Massive shifts in the behaviours and attitudes of groups and whole societies. See change as an inevitable process Major issue: Whether social change is patterned and predictable, or arbitrary and irregular.

12 Sociological Questions How does social change come about? Reductionist/Determinist: Believe that a single factor will determine the nature of the social change that takes place i.e. Karl Marx – the struggle for economic power between competing social groups i.e. Feminist sociologists – patriarchy – men with power; women trying to capture it. - How can society be structured to serve the needs of women as well?

13 Sociology – Analyzing Patterns of Human Behaviour Human behaviour is generally patterned & therefore, predictable. People tend to behave according to social norms (customs, acceptable behaviours, etc.)

14 Sociologists look at the following aspects of social change: 1. Direction of change: Positive? Negative? 2. Rate of Change: Slow? Moderate? Fast? Radical? Gradual? 3. Sources: Factors/variables causing change? - Exogenous influences (coming from another society) - Endogenous (coming from within the society itself) 4. Controllability: Degree to which social change can be controlled

15 Group Activity In groups of 4, choose a social phenomenon 1. How would a sociologist, psychologist and anthropologist approach the social change? 2. What questions would each ask? 3. What factor(s)/source(s) would each predict to be the cause(s) of the change? 4. What conclusions would each draw about the social change?

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