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August 2014 TAC Director Report Information Systems Group TAC Director Report Sanjay Garg – Director Tom Butash – Deputy Director Mitch Ingham – Deputy.

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Presentation on theme: "August 2014 TAC Director Report Information Systems Group TAC Director Report Sanjay Garg – Director Tom Butash – Deputy Director Mitch Ingham – Deputy."— Presentation transcript:

1 August 2014 TAC Director Report Information Systems Group TAC Director Report Sanjay Garg – Director Tom Butash – Deputy Director Mitch Ingham – Deputy Director Terry Morris – Deputy Director Jim Rankin – Deputy Director

2 August 2012 TAC Director Report 2 Information Systems Group Overview Recent Accomplishments TC Status Awards Conferences Moving Forward Plans August 2014 TAC Director Report

3 August 2012 TAC Director Report 3 Information Systems Group - Overview My Goals Strengthen AIAA by broadening its appeal to the emerging large segment of information system technology developers contributing to aerospace advancements: 1)All the TCs in the group are in good health and making valuable contributions to the AIAA goals - Working with specific TCs to address membership, participation in AIAA activities etc. 2)The AIAA leadership recognizes the value of the information system technologies and provides adequate forums for bringing visibility to the contributions of this segment of the aerospace community - Continue to work with AIAA leadership to have high visibility Information Systems related activities at Forum 360 level 3) The leadership of the TCs works together as a group to help attract the next generation of aerospace professionals to AIAA. - Emphasizing to the TCs to attract Young Professionals and provide them significant roles August 2014 TAC Director Report

4 August 2012 TAC Director Report 4 Information Systems Group – Recent Accomplishments Established the Aerospace Cybersecurity Working Group  Group has been very active and is bringing visibility for this area at AIAA forums. Panels at 2014 SciTech and Space Forums. 25 members representing 12 PCs/TCs  6 months progress report score card provided as an addendum Updated name and scope for Sensor Systems and Information Fusion TC  This will help the TC be stronger and aligned with emerging focus on sensor information fusion Reformulated the structure for Call for Papers for Infotech@Aerospace  Provides opportunity for each of the TCs to have visible participation  A strong I@A at 2015 SciTech in partnership with Unmanned Systems PC Bringing visibility to emerging technologies at AIAA Forums  Worked with Emerging Technologies Committee to have a 360 deg panel on “Big Data Analytics for Aerospace” at 2015 SciTech Forum  A technical paper session on same topic at 2015 SciTech  Proposed a 360 deg panel on “NASA Plans for Autonomy Research for Civil Aviation” for 2015 SciTech Established biweekly ISG leadership telecons  Regularly share high level AIAA information with TC Chairs so that everyone is aware of challenges being faced by the institution and changes taking place Closed out old business – Information Systems Review  Data collected previously was not adequate to meet the objectives set out for the review August 2014 TAC Director Report

5 August 2012 TAC Director Report 5 Information Systems Group – TC Status Communications Systems – Very Active  Good subcommittee structure, very active international participation. Award in good health  Concerned about lack of visibility for ICSSC in the new AIAA forum structure Computer Systems – Struggling  TC membership declining and not very active. Has struggled to keep up with emerging technology areas. Needs active support from ISG leadership Digital Avionics – Very Active  Strong subcommittee structure. Best papers including student papers. Healthy conferences and award. Active participation in AIAA Section/Region activities  Runs as an autonomous body – challenge is to strengthen ties with AIAA Information, Command & Control Systems – Struggling  Static membership focused on defense related work. Needs active support from ISG leadership  Defense forum will provide opportunity to reinvigorate. August 2014 TAC Director Report

6 August 2012 TAC Director Report 6 Information Systems Group – TC Status (contd.) Intelligent Systems TC – Very Active  Strong subcommittee structure. Very active participation in I@A conference. Bi-annual special issues of JAIS. Best papers including student papers.  Taking new initiatives – quarterly newsletter, workshop focused on autonomy being held Aug 7-8, Dayton OH. Sensor Systems and Information Fusion TC – Needs Improvement  TC name and scope change will help to get to healthy status – TC chair motivated Software TC – Active  Good participation in I@A, good subcommittee structure, healthy award. Active leadership. Leading ACWG. Strong collaboration with various other TCs.  ISG leadership input to be shared with TC leadership: consider writing annual highlight article for Aerospace America, strengthen membership and participation in conferences, actively pursue publishing papers in JAIS August 2014 TAC Director Report

7 August 2012 TAC Director Report 7 Information Systems Group – Awards Summary August 2014 TAC Director Report Award NameYearly (Y)/ Biannual (B)Technical Committee“New Venue Aerospace CommunicationsY, Oct 1Communications SystemsSpace (even), ICSSC (odd, non- U.S) Aerospace Software EngineeringB, Odd Years, July 1Software SystemsSCITECH Dr. John Ruth Digital AvionicsB, Odd Years, July 1Digital AvionicsDigital Avionics Conf Information SystemsB, Odd Years, July 1Computer Systems, Sensor Systems SCITECH Intelligent SystemsB, Odd Years, July 1Intelligent SystemsSCITECH Status  Information Systems Award not issued 2 consecutive periods.  Have assigned responsibility to Terry Morris to establish a nominating committee and take active role to bring the award back to healthy status  Other awards are in good health  The 3 awards to be presented at SciTech are all odd years – should we look into moving one to even years?

8 August 2012 TAC Director Report 8 Information Systems Group – Conferences Infotech@Aerospace Conference firmly established at SciTech Forum  Jim Rankin to lead a team of TC representatives to develop an operating procedures manual for I@A – ensure “transparent” process for selection of Information Systems Technical Chair International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC) – Communications Systems TC: held with Space Forum in even years, and outside US in odd years  ICSSC co-sponsored or co-organized with AIAA in even years  Various issues with CMSTC/ICSSC which are currently being worked with TAC/AIAA leadership Digital Avionics System Conference (DASC) and Integrated Communication, Navigation and Surveillance (ICNS) – Digital Avionics TC  Stand alone – co-sponsored by AIAA. In good health ISSUE – Is AIAA leveraging the value from co-sponsoring conferences?  “Organizing society provides AIAA list of attendees and email addresses after the event for AIAA to use in membership and other outreach” - Need a process to collect the information and ensure that it is being used effectively by AIAA August 2014 TAC Director Report

9 August 2012 TAC Director Report 9 Information Systems Group – Moving Forward Plan Continue to strengthen I@A – have well established procedure for selecting leadership team, updating call for papers, documenting lessons learned/best practices etc. Have visible ISG participation at other forums – Aviation, Space, Defense  Already identified IS Technical Chair for 2015 Space – Mitch Ingham  Working on identifying IS Technical Chair for 2015 Aviation  Will work with Information and Command & Control Systems (ICCS) TC to lead participation in Defense Continue to work with TC Chairs to strengthen Computer Systems and ICCS TCs Continue to strengthen partnership with JAIS – have more TCs take leadership on special issues in their areas Work with AIAA/TAC leadership to address CMSTC/ICSSC issues Look into establishing a Working Group on “Big Data Analytics for Aerospace” Ensure AIAA is the forum of choice for emerging emphasis on “Autonomy in Civil Aviation” – work this through ISTC Aerospace world is “multi-disciplinary”. Will like to have greater partnership with other Groups for joint sessions at forums – any suggestions? Other suggestions ? August 2014 TAC Director Report

10 ACWG Six Month Progress Report and Future Plans (January – July, 2014) Aerospace Cybersecurity Working Group (ACWG) Prepared by Sam Adhikari, Chair, ACWG July18, 2014

11 August 2012 TAC Director Report ACWG performance scorecard (January - July, 2014) and future plans Activities as per charter and projected outcomes/goals Six-month (January - July, 2014)Accomplishments Future Plans Recruitment of new members and SMEsMembership grew from 7 to 26 with many SMEs Will continue activities AIAA TCs/PCs Represented by ACWG Members 12 TCs/PCsWill continue activities Corporations, Research Labs, Universities, NGOs represented by ACWG Members 17Will continue activities Other Related Professional Organizations Represented by ACWG Members 20Will continue activities Position and white papersWhitepaper on definition of Cybersecurity Need to accelerate activities

12 August 2012 TAC Director Report ACWG performance scorecard (January - July, 2014) and future plans Activities as per charter and projected outcomes/goals Six-month (January - July, 2014)Accomplishments Future Plans Support cyber security related forums and sessions SciTech 2014 Conference – Cybersecurity in Space Systems Panel, January 14, 2014, National Harbor, MD Space 2014 Forum Conference - Cybersecurity in Space Systems Panel, August 6, 2014, San Diego, CA Space Mission Challenges in Information Technology Conference – Workshop on Cyber Risk for Modern Space Missions, September 25, 2014 IEEE Aerospace Conference – Technical paper session on Cybersecurity in Aerospace Operations, March 7-14, 2015, Big Sky, MT Will continue activities

13 August 2012 TAC Director Report ACWG performance scorecard (January - July, 2014) and future plans Activities as per charter and projected outcomes/goals Six-month (January - July, 2014)Accomplishments Future Plans Engage in Recommendations of Guidelines and Best Practices Hierarchical decomposition of the Aerospace domain (continuing), Aviation related WG activities Need to accelerate activities Identify cybersecurity issues and risks related to the aerospace industry Questionnaire developed and ready for dissemination across AIAA TCs/PCs, Aviation related EG Activities Will continue activities Help in development of recommendations in support of congressional testimony and public policy activities of AIAA No activity yetNeed to start activities Training aerospace professionals in cybersecurityMonthly telecon presentations by SMEs, participation in various forums and panels Will continue activities Interface with relevant external and internal initiatives for threat analysis and response No activity yetNeed to start activities

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