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Timothy State ’93 Associate Vice President for Alumni Programs Lake Forest College.

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Presentation on theme: "Timothy State ’93 Associate Vice President for Alumni Programs Lake Forest College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Timothy State ’93 Associate Vice President for Alumni Programs Lake Forest College

2 Google Sexy Data

3 Google return for “Sexy Data”

4 Data Drives Everything When you’ve got big data, everyone is gonna want a piece

5 Educate Alumni About Data Your needs… Your policies…

6 Data Policy Why we need good data What data we collect What we do with the data What we will NOT do with the data How we keep the data secure What information we do not keep Data and volunteers

7 Push Profile Data to your Alumni Birthday emails E-news sidebars Event registration Guest lists

8 Birthday Emails 42% Open Rate Nearly all click- throughs are to update profile.

9 E-News Sidebar

10 Event Registration

11 Guest List

12 Post-Event Survey Using form pre-populate. Post-Event Survey Using form pre-populate.

13 Points to Ponder Educate your alumni about the importance of sharing their data Build trust around the data by clarifying how you use it and protect it Push personal data to your alumni to encourage them to update

14 My Sexy Data… Timothy State ’93 Lake Forest College @TimState Norpie @NorpsForkNCork

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