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The DutchGrid Platform – An Overview – 1 DutchGrid today and tomorrow David Groep, NIKHEF 2003-07-03 The DutchGrid Platform Large-scale Distributed Computing.

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Presentation on theme: "The DutchGrid Platform – An Overview – 1 DutchGrid today and tomorrow David Groep, NIKHEF 2003-07-03 The DutchGrid Platform Large-scale Distributed Computing."— Presentation transcript:

1 The DutchGrid Platform – An Overview – 1 DutchGrid today and tomorrow David Groep, NIKHEF 2003-07-03 The DutchGrid Platform Large-scale Distributed Computing in the Netherlands

2 The DutchGrid Platform – An Overview – 2 DutchGrid  Open “platform” of interested parties  Goals Expertise coordination Provide core national services Developer and end-user support Test bed Dissemination  Currently 12 organisations and growing

3 The DutchGrid Platform – An Overview – 3 Participants  From related projects & interested organisations  Resource and service providers: Natl. Computing Facilities Foundation own test beds, EDG services Distributed ASCI Supercomputer-2 WTCW Virtual Lab / VL E-Science

4 The DutchGrid Platform – An Overview – 4 Participants contd  Many more on application side: e-business medical imaging meteo & climate bio informatics (radio) astronomy VLBI materials science

5 The DutchGrid Platform – An Overview – 5 Some Applications  Virtual Laboratory comprehensive analysis environments for experimentation  Chemo-physical surface analysis (PIXE,FT-IR,SIMS)  correlating “omics” databases  Virtual Surgery (planning by-passes, artery repairs)  Particle Physics DØ, Atlas, LHCb, Alice Common Application Layer: Monte-Carlo and Analysis  OPERA – KNMI: ozone monitoring and mapping space data integration and validation  (radio) Astronomy LOFAR, AVO, VLBI – semi-online and offline processing

6 The DutchGrid Platform – An Overview – 6 Services  Authentication Service (CA) Serves entire NL scientific community DataGrid, CrossGrid, VL-E, DAS-2, … Member of EDG CACG PMA  Support Desk Installation support End-user help desk  gives insight in requirements and real needs  Tutorials  Test bed coordination

7 The DutchGrid Platform – An Overview – 7 Test Bed Resources  ASCI ‘DAS-2’ systems (university CS) 400 CPUs, homogeneous clusters at 5 sites  NIKHEF and LCG test bed 150 CPUs 3 TByte disk cache  NCF Grid Initiative Fabric Research: 66 systems Production setup: 64 CPUs Network research  10 Gb/s Storage access

8 The DutchGrid Platform – An Overview – 8 Resources cntd  SARA: the national HPC centre Tape-based mass store: 500 TByte 30 GByte disk cache 1024 CPU SGI Origin 3800 MPP  Summary ~ 8 people in deployment and operations Match infrastructures to real application usage

9 The DutchGrid Platform – An Overview – 9 Dutch Grid Sites KNMI KUNijmegen TUDelft ULeiden VU UUtrecht Telin NIKHEF SARA UvA AMOLF DutchGrid site map 20030702 David Groep, NIKHEF ASTRON, JIVE Philips NatLab Amsterdam

10 The DutchGrid Platform – An Overview – 10 Interconnect  All Dutch Grid sites linked to SURFnet5 10 Gb/s backbone National DWDM Links to Géant, US, CZ, CERN  Customer links 1-2 Gb/s IPv4 and IPv6 JIVE on 5 Gb/s!

11 The DutchGrid Platform – An Overview – 11 Developments DutchGrid role in future deployment in NL  Test bed activities Creating comprehensive environments Support for application scientists Integration and validation  Service hosting for ‘ad-hoc’ collaborations  Close integration with DSC s  Dissemination  … expanding into NEG context

12 The DutchGrid Platform – An Overview – 12 Summary  Research, applications and deployment  Strong coordination  Diverse applications  Diverse resources  Expanding rapidly!

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