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Truncus Arteriosus - Interrupted Aortic Arch Surgical Repair Ralph S. Mosca, M.D. NYU Langone Medical Center New York.

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Presentation on theme: "Truncus Arteriosus - Interrupted Aortic Arch Surgical Repair Ralph S. Mosca, M.D. NYU Langone Medical Center New York."— Presentation transcript:

1 Truncus Arteriosus - Interrupted Aortic Arch Surgical Repair Ralph S. Mosca, M.D. NYU Langone Medical Center New York

2 Anatomy Surg Clin North Am 29:1245-70,1949

3 IAA Am Heart J 58:407-13, 1959 Frequency Type B- 85-90% Type A- 5-15% Type C- <3%

4 Anatomy Echocardiography – Arch anatomy – Degree of Truncal valve stenosis or insufficiency – Coronary artery anatomy – Location and number of VSD’s – Tricuspid valve functional status – Size of atrial defect

5 Pre CPB Anesthetic Care Maintain Myocardial Perfusion Avoid – Hyperoxia – Hypocarbia – Agents that Elevate heart rate Increase myocardia oxygen demand

6 Surgical Goals Separation of pulmonary / systemic circulations Closure of septal defects Establish unobstructed aortic arch continuity Provide unobstructed pulmonary blood flow

7 Conduct of CPB Median Sternotomy Assessment thymic tissue PA’s, Coronaries Encircle RPA Dual arterial cannulation Single RA venous cannulation Encircle LPA CPB gradual cooling > 20 mins 18-20 o C SNP Isofurane +/- LV vent

8 Mobilization Extensive Dissection Truncal Root Ascending Aorta Pulmonary arteries Ductal arch- Desc Ao

9 Sequence of Procedure Myocardial / Circulatory Arrest Removal of PA’s from Truncal Root Repair IAA VSD closure Distal RV-PA connection Proximal RV-PA connection

10 Separation of Truncal Root - Arch Myocardial- Circulatory Arrest DelNido solution Topical ice slush Proposed lines of resection

11 PA Resection * Coronary artery orifice Truncal valve commissure

12 Ascending Aorta / Arch Reconstruction

13 Arch Reconstruction

14 VSD Closure Re-establish CPB Replace X-Clamp * RV incisionVSD closure

15 RV-PA Conduit x

16 Completed Repair

17 Rewarming/ Weaning CPB Gradual to 34.5 o C Avoid LV distension RA monitoring –infusion lines RA pacing wire CPB Wean Inotropes – Milrinone – RA pacing – +/- Low dose epinephrine TEE – VSD – LVOT / RVOT – Needle LV / RV

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