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1 Toddlers Physical Development One to Three. 2 Growth & Development Growth & Development Physical Development proceeds according to these patterns: Head.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Toddlers Physical Development One to Three. 2 Growth & Development Growth & Development Physical Development proceeds according to these patterns: Head."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Toddlers Physical Development One to Three

2 2 Growth & Development Growth & Development Physical Development proceeds according to these patterns: Head to foot Head to foot Near to far Near to far Simple to complex Simple to complex

3 3 Average Heights and Weights Toddlers grow and gain weight less than half as fast as during the first year Toddlers grow and gain weight less than half as fast as during the first year Toddler’s growth is slower than babies! Toddler’s growth is slower than babies! AGEHeight inches (cm) Weight Pounds (Kg) One Year 29.8 (75.7) 22.5(10.2) Two Years 34.0(86.4)27.7(12.6) Three Years 37.7(95.8)32.4(14.7)

4 4 Proportion and Posture Until age two, a child’s head, chest. And abdomen all have the same circumference or measurement around. Until age two, a child’s head, chest. And abdomen all have the same circumference or measurement around. By two the child stnads straighter but the abdomen still protrudes and the head is somewhat forward. By two the child stnads straighter but the abdomen still protrudes and the head is somewhat forward. Between 2-3, a child’s chest becomes larger than the head and abdomen- arms legs and trunk grow rapidly improving toddler’s balance and motor skills. Between 2-3, a child’s chest becomes larger than the head and abdomen- arms legs and trunk grow rapidly improving toddler’s balance and motor skills. At 3 the toddler’s posture is more upright and has lost some (not all) baby fat. At 3 the toddler’s posture is more upright and has lost some (not all) baby fat.

5 5 Teeth One-year-olds have an average of 8 teeth. One-year-olds have an average of 8 teeth. During 2 nd year, 8 more teeth appear. During 2 nd year, 8 more teeth appear. The last 4 back teeth emerge early in the 3 rd year. The last 4 back teeth emerge early in the 3 rd year. That makes a complete set of 20 primary teeth. That makes a complete set of 20 primary teeth.

6 6 Helping Keep Teeth Healthy! Dentists recommend a healthy diet, rich in dairy products, limiting foods that promote tooth decay (candy, sugar-coated cereals, etc.) and the use of fluoride which hardens the outer layer of teeth, making them more resistant to decay.! Dentists recommend a healthy diet, rich in dairy products, limiting foods that promote tooth decay (candy, sugar-coated cereals, etc.) and the use of fluoride which hardens the outer layer of teeth, making them more resistant to decay.! Plaque reacts with sugary food particles to produce acids that decay teeth. Plaque reacts with sugary food particles to produce acids that decay teeth.

7 7 Large/Gross Motor Skills Large (gross) motor skills are abilities that depend on the use and control of the large muscles of the back, legs, shoulders, and legs Large (gross) motor skills are abilities that depend on the use and control of the large muscles of the back, legs, shoulders, and legs Walking, running, climbing and throwing balls are examples of large motor skills. Walking, running, climbing and throwing balls are examples of large motor skills.

8 8 Early Toddler 1 ½ – 2 ½

9 9 Small /Fine Motor Skills Small motor skills are abilities that depend on the use and control of the finer muscles of the wrists, fingers, and ankles. Small motor skills are abilities that depend on the use and control of the finer muscles of the wrists, fingers, and ankles. Many small motor skills require hand-eye coordination - the ability to move the hands precisely in relation to what is seen. Many small motor skills require hand-eye coordination - the ability to move the hands precisely in relation to what is seen. Completing a puzzle, grasping colors and paintbrushes, turning pages and stringing beads are all examples of small motor skills. Completing a puzzle, grasping colors and paintbrushes, turning pages and stringing beads are all examples of small motor skills.

10 10 Early Toddler 1 ½ - 2 ½

11 11 Development of Motor Skills Physical exercise and repeated practice of actions are necessary for the development of motor skills. Physical exercise and repeated practice of actions are necessary for the development of motor skills. Learning to climb stairs follows a sequence: (even children who have learned to walk continue to climb stairs on their hands and knees and slide backwards when going down stairs) Learning to climb stairs follows a sequence: (even children who have learned to walk continue to climb stairs on their hands and knees and slide backwards when going down stairs) 1. Begin walking up stairs with help, placing both feet on each step 2. Next they try walking up and down stairs on their own holding the railing, continuing to place both feet on each step. 3. By about 3, most children begin alternating feet on the stairs.

12 12 Safety First! Climbing is not limited to stairs! Nothing is safe from a climbing toddler- furniture, counters, ledges. Climbing is not limited to stairs! Nothing is safe from a climbing toddler- furniture, counters, ledges. This makes safety an important concern for parents and caregivers. This makes safety an important concern for parents and caregivers. Make the home as safe as possible to prevent, falls, burns and other hazards. Make the home as safe as possible to prevent, falls, burns and other hazards. (See text: “The Developing Child” p 344-345)

13 13 Manipulative Skills Two Year Olds have improved manipulation, or skillful use of the hands and fingers. They can turn pages, peel a banana, turn on a faucet. Two Year Olds have improved manipulation, or skillful use of the hands and fingers. They can turn pages, peel a banana, turn on a faucet. A three year old shows considerably more skill. They delight in putting things together and then taking them apart. A 3-year-old can draw circles and lines. A three year old shows considerably more skill. They delight in putting things together and then taking them apart. A 3-year-old can draw circles and lines.

14 14 Learn More about Toddlers Emotional Needs Emotional Needs Social Development Social Development Intellectual Growth Intellectual Growth The End

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