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Status Report WP 2 A 8: Feasibility Assessment of Extending RegioTram to Employment Centres in Kassel and the Nordhessen Region.

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Presentation on theme: "Status Report WP 2 A 8: Feasibility Assessment of Extending RegioTram to Employment Centres in Kassel and the Nordhessen Region."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status Report WP 2 A 8: Feasibility Assessment of Extending RegioTram to Employment Centres in Kassel and the Nordhessen Region

2 Application: “A technical and economic feasibility project” Project Manager (after Session on WP 4 …) : “Only one part of marketing?”

3 The questions according to the Application: How can linking of centers of labor be organized? Can the economic efficiency of the RegioTram be increased, and what demand may be predicted? What effects on the attractiveness of Kassel may arise, and what role may the hubs Kassel-Wilhelms- höhe and Kassel-Hauptbahnhof play in this process?

4 The questions according to the Project Manager: Shouldn’t we better put the journey into the center of our research? Does linking of centers of labor by rail-based systems make sense? ( For us? For our customers?) What is and may be the part of rail-based systems in an overall strategy? How do we have organize public transport in order to make it attractive for employees and cost efficient for us? What do we have to do to sell the product?

5 Does linking of centers of labor by rail-based systems make sense? Are we competitive? Do we have capacities? What do the employees need? Can we provide that in acceptable economic terms? What kind of marketing is needed to sell public transport? (After this morning: Where does Marketing start at all?)

6 Overview Feasibility studies (complete) Status Quo analysis (in progress) Traffic / Interviews with seniors / Survey of empolyees? Strengths / Weaknesses / Requirements (in progress) Conclusions (to be discussed) Strategies (to be developed)

7 Overview

8 One example: Volkswagen Baunatal

9 Volkswagen 13.000 Employees 8.500 within Range of RT Job-Ticket-Rate 0,5 % Our Key Accountants bite on Granite …

10 Suggestion Building Tracks to the main gate Service by Linie 4

11 Feasible? Of course

12 Reasonable? Hmm …





17 Issues Travelling Time Timetables Potentials Internal accessibilty

18 Alternatives? Connecting Tram and RT Hubs by a Bus Line Timetables Potentials Internal accessibility Mobility Managemet

19 Good News? Sintropher has helped us make a date with one of the Volkswagen Bosses! We start talking over matters seriously …

20 Wake up, coffee is hot! Thanks for your Attention!

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