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Lake County Schools Investing In Excellence! College and Career Readiness Academic Services April 2013.

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1 Lake County Schools Investing In Excellence! College and Career Readiness Academic Services April 2013

2 AP Seminar For Advanced Placement Literature and Composition WELCOME Academic Services April 2013

3 Community Builder: Just like me….. 1.One person begins introducing themselves to the group 2.When another person in the audience hears something the previous person shared that is “just like them” the chime in say “ that’s just like me” 3.The person that chimed in saying “ that’s just like me begins introducing themselves starting with the connection from the previous person. 4.Repeat step 2 and 3 until all members in the audience have introduced themselves.

4 Students will share with the class one strategy or tip they will use on exam day I DO Instructor will review the 21st Centry skills and AP success stats with students and make a conncetion to the AP Seminar Instructor will review specific content for AP course of study WE DO Instructor and students will utilize test taking strategies to answer multiple choice and free response answers YOU DO Students will utilize materials from the AP Seminar to study for AP exam April 6 & April 27 2013 Learning Goal : Learners will understand and implement effective test taking strategies for passing AP exams. Objective Learners will: utilize content knowledge learned in AP courses coupled with effective test taking strategies to increase pass rate by completing practice AP test questions Bellwork: Community Builder Strategic Plan Goal # 1 Increased Student Achievement NEXT STEPS: 1.Utilize new learning and implement on AP exam 2.Continue to study for AP exam Benchmarks: Exit Activity Essential Question: How do we revolutionize the way we teach, lead, and learn for 21 st century success? Common Language: Advanced Placement Effective Strategies

5 21 st Century Skills Tony Wagner, The Global Achievement Gap 1. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving 2. Collaboration and Leadership 3. Agility and Adaptability 4. Initiative and Entrepreneurialism 5. Effective Oral and Written Communication 6. Accessing and Analyzing Information 7. Curiosity and Imagination Academic Services

6 Positive Statistics Hurray Lake County Schools Lake County Schools…. –Named to the College Board District Honor Roll

7 Content Overview Overview of the exam Baseline multiple-choice practice and discussion Free-response carousel activity Characteristics of effective essays discussion Free-response writing prompts Peer review Specific test-taking strategies Follow-up multiple-choice practice and discussion

8 Strategies and Practice: Multiple Choice Manage your time, wear a watch, allow about a minute per question, and go in order as questions travel in a linear path through a passage or poem. Experiment with strategies, for example, reading questions first before reading the passage, and use the strategies that work for you. Read actively: underline and annotate; and utilize active reading strategies, such as questioning, connecting, and paraphrasing. When asked about specific words and lines, read surrounding text also in order to better understand meaning.

9 Strategies and Practice: Free Response Understand the prompt; underline the major tasks. Skip clever attempts to introduce the topic and begin with your point or thesis. Avoid summary of the plot; retelling the plot is not analysis; use concrete details for support. Organize your argument so as to be logical and cohesive; utilize transitions and echo words. Your conclusion is an opportunity to pull all the analyzed threads together and should be pithy, wise, and brief. Don’t just stop writing. For the open question, you may choose a work not listed if it is of literary merit.

10 Exit Activity With a shoulder partner, turn and talk about one strategy you will utilize on your AP exam and why.

11 Lake County Schools Investing In Excellence! College and Career Readiness Academic Services April 2013

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