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Chapter 12.2 Warm-Up Question 4/15/10 Essential Question: How do organisms change as they go through their life cycles?

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 12.2 Warm-Up Question 4/15/10 Essential Question: How do organisms change as they go through their life cycles?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 12.2 Warm-Up Question 4/15/10 Essential Question: How do organisms change as they go through their life cycles?

2 Warm-Up Question What are your genes / alleles made up of ? (Hint: Think basic hereditary molecule). What is the function of your genes / alleles? What are the products of the decoding of your genes / alleles?

3 Incomplete Dominance When this condition occurs the phenotype of heterozygous individuals is intermediate ( in between) those of the two homozygous conditions.

4 Incomplete Dominance Example Red snapdragons (RR) crosses with White snapdragons (R’R’)

5 Incomplete Dominance Example The result is a snapdragon with an intermediate phenotype (RR’). WHY?????????

6 Incomplete Dominance Example Flowers contain enzymes that control pigment production. R allele = functional enzyme. R’allele = codes for a defective enzyme.

7 Codominance Condition in which both alleles are expressed equally in the heterozygote.

8 Codominance Example: Checkered chicken, p. 317 Figure 12.8.

9 “At the end of the Day, we are…” Give examples of Incomplete Dominance and Codominance. Able to Compare and Contrast: Incomplete Dominance and Codominance.

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