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Sustanble energy action plan SEAP Round table Covenant of Mayors Todor Tonev Varna, 12 Septmeber 2014 Union of Bulgarian Black Sea local authorities.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustanble energy action plan SEAP Round table Covenant of Mayors Todor Tonev Varna, 12 Septmeber 2014 Union of Bulgarian Black Sea local authorities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustanble energy action plan SEAP Round table Covenant of Mayors Todor Tonev Varna, 12 Septmeber 2014 Union of Bulgarian Black Sea local authorities

2 The planning perspective Time scale Continuous energy- and climate improvements History Implement planned measures, and identify new ones Political adoption as municipal plan Objectives Develop energy- and climate plan

3 A SEAP must be based on facts We need to know where we are today in order to find the best way into the future!  Establish the emission baseline (BAU)  Collect and analyse historic energy consumption and production figures  Identify unexploited, local energy production potential (solar, biomass, excess heat…)  Identify available energy technologies, their costs and implementation potential  Establish realistic targets  Benchmark with the best municipalities to get an idea of the achievable level  Analyse the gap between the identified potential and the BAU  Establish a strategy with concrete actions to reduce this gap as much as possible

4 A SEAP must lead to change! Closing the gap, the SEAP must lead to change and be of multiple characters. Actions should always start where the municipality is in control !  Leadership and organisational capacity  Show dedication through strong internal leadership and motivating actions (define new responsibilities, separate energy unit, extra training of staff..)  Involve external stakeholders  Establish/strengthen collaboration structures between the municipality, the citizens and the local businesses (events, regular workshops, competitions)  Simple actions first!!  Establish routines/systems to monitor progress (EMS, benchmarking)  Do all no-cost and low-cost measures in municipal buildings (operation and maintenance, light bulbs, window-stripping, tuning of boilers and heating systems)  Profitable investments second!  Energy efficiency measures in municipal buildings (insulation, new windows, radiator regulation valves, new boilers  Renewable energy sources, waste incineration, district heating…

5 Map and describe all possible changes

6 Change 1: Leadership and organisational capacity


8 Change 2: Involve local stakeholders

9 Change 3: Simple actions first

10 Change 4: Profitable investments second

11 Calculating the impact  Not all measures and activities can be quantified in terms of CO 2 -reduction, however, they can still be critical steps to make other activities successful  It is difficult to calculate future CO 2 -reductions for single actions. Best Practice, benchmarking and good pilot/demonstration projects for mass replication is a good start.  The most important thing is still to understand how and why an activity will make a difference, and therefore lead to change.

12 Monitoring by ad-hoc Years -25% -20% -15% -10% -5% 0 +5% Costs High energy costs = Audit Energy efficiency, Some investments Under control High energy costs - again: Where is the last audit? Here we go again!

13 Monitoring by Energy Management Commitment from top managers Years -20% -25% -15% -10% -5% 0 +5% Kostnad Investment First no-cost energy savings, and change of behaviour Profitable investments Energy efficiency becomes culture

14 Monitoring by Benchmarking

15 From plan to action – check list  Establish a program structure  Identify local key actors, and involve local industry and commerce (critical success factor!)  Establish main goals and measures  Identify a detailed activity plan containing time-frames and emission reductions according to calculated potential in REAM  Review main goals and measures  Make sure that proper budget allocations are made in order to carry out the identified activities  → Adopt and implement the local energy plan!

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