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Whistle Stop Tour of The Module. This is a new module!

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Presentation on theme: "Whistle Stop Tour of The Module. This is a new module!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Whistle Stop Tour of The Module

2 This is a new module!

3 Stop and think!

4 What is the Module About? Learning outcomes Create an advanced prototype with suitable database functionality Create the beginnings of a professional portfolio of work Demonstrate skills allowing them to act as a computing professional Demonstrate problem solving skills allowing them to adapt to the challenges of changing technology Application of skills from other modules on the course

5 Other Outcomes An understanding of important documentation artefacts Some idea of how to approach systems development problems A better sense of your skills reflected in your CV A class library that you may use in other projects, especially your final year project A business card to get you started as a computing professional

6 The Need for Courage For every person and every project there is some element of fear Fear makes you tentative Fear makes you less communicative Fear makes you shy away from feedback Fear makes you shy away from mistakes We need to address the culture of fear that comes with exploring the unknown

7 The Ethical Review 3500 deaths Tunisia Egypt Libya Yemen

8 Keep it Simple Write for clarity of understanding Don’t write to try and impress

9 Dr. Abraham Erskine Documentation is important

10 The Class Diagram

11 Better than Reading the Code

12 Initial Artefacts System specification Ethical review Event tables Use case diagrams Use case descriptions Test plans Smoke and mirrors prototype Class diagrams Sequence diagrams Entity Relationship Diagrams Test Driven Development

13 Remember Systems Development is Difficult Getting inside the head of the client (so that they get the product they want) Coming to terms with the various tools you need to use (e.g. Visual Studio, Enterprise Architect etc.) Working with team members (They will drive you mad!) Creating the documentation and understanding the notation Writing the code!

14 Bad Joke Question – How do you eat an elephant?

15 The Project Bank The Project Bank is intended to be a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. Customer relationship management is a system for managing a company’s interactions with current and future customers. It often involves using technology to organize, automate and synchronize sales, marketing, customer service, and technical support. (Wikipedea)

16 Building on IMAT1604 Made more complicated by strict adherence to the three layered architecture

17 Use Case Diagram

18 True or False? Applications must follow the three layered architecture

19 Differing Architectures Presentation (Interface) Data Layer Database Middle Layer Business Logic (Classes) Presentation (Interface) Presentation (Interface) Data Layer Database

20 Translated to Code

21 C# Code

22 Thick Middle Layer – Thin Presentation Layer All code for the system goes in the middle layer Keep presentation code to an absolute minimum!

23 Thick Presentation – Thin Middle Presentation (Interface) Data Layer Database Middle Layer Business Logic (Classes)

24 Which is Best? Three layered Two layered One layered Thick or thin layers

25 Issues to Consider Design for Code Re-use Design for ease of maintenance Automated testing Consider collaboration issues Consider Version Control File Sharing Creating a class library

26 The Assignments For this module there are three assessments you need to concentrate on. Assignment 1a Advanced Prototype (First deadline this week!) Assignment 1b Prototype Presentation (Week 7 or 8) Assignment 1c Final Report (Week 25) Assignment 2 TDD Phase Test (Week 15)

27 Assessment Schedules (Wks 1-8) WeekSchedule ASchedule B 1* Team Business Pack Deadline * 2Feedback and Assessment (5 min) 3 4 5 6* Employability Conference * 7Prototype Presentations 8

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