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Pre-Service Educator Working Group

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1 Pre-Service Educator Working Group

2 Pre-Service Educator Working Group Learn how to facilitate better preparation of teachers who teach Earth & space science … before they go into the classroom

3 Why? “The Commission believes that the greatest impact will come from expanding programs to train teachers of science, mathematics, and technology. Future efforts should include in-service active teachers and pre-service teachers, i.e., those who are still in training in university and college programs…..” Report of the President’s Commission on Implementation of United States Space Exploration Policy, 2004 Research suggests investment in pre-service educator preparation has substantial payback - retention and student performance

4 Why? In the next decade 240,000 teachers will be needed for science and math; 70% will be new to the profession (estimates vary … need=substantial) Teachers teach the material with which they are the most comfortable. “The emphasis elementary teachers place on subjects in their classrooms today mirrors their experience in college/university” (Bayer Corporation, 2004)

5 Why? Despite the enormous importance of science teachers in society, most colleges and universities do not offer science courses that address their specific needs for combined content and pedagogy modified from Waller, Pertaub, Ruberg, and Jones, 2004

6 Why the Pre-Service Educator Working Group? There is a need … Increasing interest in the community to connect with pre-service educators and faculty Opportunity to collaborate and contemplate a strategic approach Opportunity to help pre-service educators bring the excitement of Earth and space science into the classroom

7 Pre-Service Educator Working Group Help facilitate preparation of teachers in Earth and space science content / pedagogy Approaching this by: developing a deeper understanding of pre-service programs and needs; and identifying diverse ways to meet those needs relating to Earth and space science education

8 What We’ve Been Doing Surveying the community to determine current involvement in pre-service education Building a reference / resource “library” Attending / hosting WG and pre-service programs at conferences (NASA Pre-Service Teacher Program, AAS, LPSC, ASP) Establishing / enhancing interaction with pre- service organizations (e.g., PSTP, ATE, ASTE) to determine needs

9 AAS – What We Heard What should I teach pre-service teachers? What resources are available to share with pre- service teachers? Great Questions! – Showing increased awareness There often is a disconnect between teaching/learning in the university classroom and the K-12 classroom … pre- service educators have to span the gap. In the classroom. pre-service educators are expected to teach specific content (often standards/test driven) in a hands-on inquiry based manner using vetted resources.

10 LPSC – What We Heard College instruction should better reflect real-world classroom Instructors need to model pedagogy Content needs to target the standards the educator will address in the classroom (reality = standards and tests) Pre-service teachers should have authentic science experiences – internships, field experiences, summer camps Content instruction is important - process of science is more so Need mentoring (retention) – involve scientists and in- service educators – continue learning

11 Where We are Heading Work with pre-service faculty and others involved in teacher preparation to better understand needs and to determine where to invest Determine intersections and gaps between NASA’s science and E/PO community activities / resources and identified pre- service needs

12 Where We are Heading Identify a “menu of opportunities” in which our community can be involved in pre-service educator preparation in a meaningful way Develop brief snapshots of programs that represent a diversity of opportunities for involvement

13 Where We are Heading Create professional development opportunities for the community to: build an understanding of what is needed model effective practices Identify partners with whom we can become involved to prepare future teachers

14 Join Us! Thursday, Salon A - 11:00 to 11:30 am NASA Earth and Space Science Resources for the Pre-Service Community What are the most effective strategies and resources we can use in responding to requests for materials and professional development? Friday, Poster Ideas for Including Pre-Service Science Educators in Education and Public Outreach Efforts How can scientists and other partners help to prepare pre-service science teachers?

15 Join Us! Friday, Salon E - 1:00 to 3:00 pm Astronomy and Space Science Education for Pre- Service Teachers What do pre-service faculty in colleges of education need from our community? What can our community offer? What do scientists need to know and do to support teacher preparation? What are the roles scientists and E/PO specialists can take in educator preparation?

16 Working Group – Join Us! Laurie Ruberg, MARSSB Stephanie Shipp, SCORE Denise Smith, Origins Jennifer Grier, SEU Forum Art Hammond, SSE Forum Stanley Jones, MARSSB Elaine Lewis, SECEF Julie Lutz, S2N2 Lynn Narasimhan, DePaul Cass Runyon, SERCH Gregg Schultz, SECEF Stephanie Stockman, GSFC Bill Waller, NESSIE Ilan Chabay, Frameworks Tim Slater, Univ. of Arizona Larry Cooper, SMD Anita Krishnamurthi, SMD Bernice Alston, HQ

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