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Build Your Own Change Canvas Jeff Alexis #leanchange.

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Presentation on theme: "Build Your Own Change Canvas Jeff Alexis #leanchange."— Presentation transcript:

1 Build Your Own Change Canvas Jeff Anderson @thomasjeffrey Alexis Hui @alhui #leanchange

2 R D B T D

3 Agile manifesto Principles of Lean software development Toyota principles Performance Time Test-driven development User stories A3 Behavior-driven development Retrospectives Daily standups Sprint planning Scrum Extreme programming Kanban Etc. Business maturity Maturity Cultu re Technol ogy Size Market risk Etc. #leanchange

4 (3)(2)(3)(4) Agree on change Negotiate the change Validate behavior Verify performanc e Story mapping Lead time SPC MV C chang e #leanchange

5 Communicate Your Change Plan Using a Change Canvas #leanchange

6 #Fail!! End to end agile adoption Book of Agile #leanchange

7 End to end agile adoption Boo k of Agil e #leanchange


9 Collaborative modeling and management methods 6 / month Executive update (1 x 2 weeks) Release planning (1 x month) Story replenishment (1 x 2 weeks) Reporting/metrics (1 x week) Change Participants Urgency Target Options Success Criteria Vision Communicati on Action CommitmentWins/Benefits

10 Describe your change participants, the people who are going to own and be most impacted by the change. Tag change participants according to role, level, involvement,etc. Articulate why these participants would feel any urgency to take part in an agile change. Summarize key pain points, and their impacts. Try to direct one urgency per “type” of change participants Conceptualize your change solution. Define a set of target options that will improve the lives of your change participants Synthesize a vision that will inspire action! (Outcome achieved by action resulting in benefits) List a set of change benefits for all or each type of change participants. Include benefits based on improvement and capability, as well as performance Build an initial change plan. Determine the appropriate change actions (coaching, training, mentoring, self-study, workshops, etc.) that will help you achieve the benefits of your change vision Gain consensus on the commitments (change participants time, facilities, etc.) required by both change participants and change agents to enable these actions Specify success criteria creating a measurable yardstick describing what success looks like. List assumptions relating to how many people will receive what level of capability improvement and the level of impact of performance improvements Agree on a communication approach. Think about communication channel, directionality, and frequency. Consider how you will reach out to both direct change participants and other interested chain stakeholders as you complete one section, revisit and iterate on the previously completed parts of the canvas! #leanchange

11 Learn more about the Change Canvas, and other ways to enable Agile Change with the Lean Change Method @ #leanchange

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