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Quantitative Analyses of Human Pubic Symphyseal Morphology Using Three Dimensional Data: The Potential Utility for Aging Adult Human Skeletons Matthew.

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Presentation on theme: "Quantitative Analyses of Human Pubic Symphyseal Morphology Using Three Dimensional Data: The Potential Utility for Aging Adult Human Skeletons Matthew."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quantitative Analyses of Human Pubic Symphyseal Morphology Using Three Dimensional Data: The Potential Utility for Aging Adult Human Skeletons Matthew W. Tocheri, Anshuman Razdan, Tosha L. Dupras, Myungsoo Bae, and Dezhi Liu

2 3DK - (2) 3DK - November 2, 2015 (2) Partnership for Research In Stereo Modeling 3D Knowledge and Distributed Intelligence Project (3DK) NSF Grant Award # IIS-998016 & PRISM

3 3DK - (3) 3DK - November 2, 2015 (3) 1.3D Data Acquisition 2.Geometric Modeling 3.Feature Extraction 4.3D Data Analysis 5.Visual Query Interface PRISM Research Plan

4 3DK - (4) 3DK - November 2, 2015 (4) PRISM Skeletal Aging Research Overview

5 3DK - (5) 3DK - November 2, 2015 (5) Cyberware M15 Laser Digitizer X Y Z 30 samples per second; typically 300µm - 1.0mm (0.012" - 0.040") 300µm (0.012") 50-200µm (0.002-0.008") Our scanning of pubic symphyses cast resulted in approximately 1100 vertices per cm 2

6 3DK - (6) 3DK - November 2, 2015 (6) The process of transforming a point cloud into a workable 3D model 1) The 3D Point Cloud (i.e., a series of x, y, and z coordinate values)

7 3DK - (7) 3DK - November 2, 2015 (7) The process of transforming a point cloud into a workable 3D model 2) The Triangulated 3D Point Cloud

8 3DK - (8) 3DK - November 2, 2015 (8) The process of transforming a point cloud into a workable 3D model 3) The Triangulated 3D Point Cloud with Flat Surface Mesh

9 3DK - (9) 3DK - November 2, 2015 (9) The process of transforming a point cloud into a workable 3D model 4) The Final Geometrically Modeled 3D Pubic Symphysis

10 3DK - (10) 3DK - November 2, 2015 (10) 3D Modeling Summary 1. 4.3. 2.

11 3DK - (11) 3DK - November 2, 2015 (11) 3D Scanned Images of the Suchey-Brooks Female Pubic Symphysis Casts Phase A B 524316

12 3DK - (12) 3DK - November 2, 2015 (12) Phase A B 524316 3D Scanned Images of the Suchey-Brooks Male Pubic Symphysis Casts

13 3DK - (13) 3DK - November 2, 2015 (13) Methodology What quantity can we use to describe shape mathematically? CURVATURE which measures how “curved” a surface is at any given point.

14 3DK - (14) 3DK - November 2, 2015 (14) Curvature Calculation The Principle Curvatures (k 1 and k 2 ) at a given point represent the maximum and minimum values of the normal curvature. Note that the principle directions are always orthogonal to one another. 1. 4. 3. 2.

15 3DK - (15) 3DK - November 2, 2015 (15) Surface Curvature Comparison of Male Phases 1A & 6A Red  High Green  Medium Blue  Low Computing Surface Curvature

16 3DK - (16) 3DK - November 2, 2015 (16) Surface Curvature Comparison of Female Phases Phase A B 524316

17 3DK - (17) 3DK - November 2, 2015 (17) Surface Curvature Comparison of Male Phases Phase A B 524316

18 3DK - (18) 3DK - November 2, 2015 (18) Before and after merging similar regions on a bone by increasing the “water” depth using the watershed algorithm. Before After

19 3DK - (19) 3DK - November 2, 2015 (19) Before and after merging similar regions on a bone by increasing the “water” depth using the watershed algorithm. Before After

20 3DK - (20) 3DK - November 2, 2015 (20) Watershed Depth Threshold

21 3DK - (21) 3DK - November 2, 2015 (21) Feature Segmentation & Data Extraction

22 3DK - (22) 3DK - November 2, 2015 (22) Feature Segmentation & Data Extraction

23 3DK - (23) 3DK - November 2, 2015 (23) Observed changes in mean absolute curvature values for Females

24 3DK - (24) 3DK - November 2, 2015 (24) Female Phase 6B 6A 5B

25 3DK - (25) 3DK - November 2, 2015 (25) Observed changes in mean absolute curvature values for Females

26 3DK - (26) 3DK - November 2, 2015 (26) Observed changes in mean absolute curvature values for Males

27 3DK - (27) 3DK - November 2, 2015 (27) Observed changes in mean absolute curvature values for Males

28 3DK - (28) 3DK - November 2, 2015 (28) database Generate XML file according to XML schema and load into database Computer interface allows researcher to analyze the scanned raw data Visual query interface enables search results to be exported as XML file XSL/HTML display Visual query search results Interface allows researcher to analyze the associated data Prototype Development of Visual Query Interface

29 3DK - (29) 3DK - November 2, 2015 (29) Future Research Goals 1.Increase the sample size of 3D modeled pubic symphyses especially those with known vital statistics to facilitate further aging research 2.Continue examining the ability to segment and extract data from specific surface features on the pubic symphysis using curvature 3.Development of a Visual Query Interface to allow students and researchers to interact with 3D modeled data sets

30 3DK - (30) 3DK - November 2, 2015 (30) Acknowledgements & PRISM 1.NSF Grant Award # IIS-998016 2.Diane Hawkey, Dept. of Anthropology, ASU 3.The PRISM team: M. Zhu, T. Esquerra, G. Farin, G. Nielson, D. Collins, M. Marzke, A. Simon, J. Rowe, S. Pulla, C. Bezwada, P. Agarwal, U. Schurmanns, G. Jones, P. Mongkolman, P. McCartney, K. Johns, P. Baluch, D. Van Alfen, J. Riel-Salvatore, S. Van Note and many others. 4.The staff of

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