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MTAC Workgroup 102 Advance Notification, Streamlined Acceptance & Visibility for First-Class Mail May 16, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "MTAC Workgroup 102 Advance Notification, Streamlined Acceptance & Visibility for First-Class Mail May 16, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 MTAC Workgroup 102 Advance Notification, Streamlined Acceptance & Visibility for First-Class Mail May 16, 2007

2 MTAC #102 2 Agenda Original Approach Revised Approach Current Status Pilot Timeline Seamless Acceptance & Visibility

3 MTAC #102 3 Original Approach Advance notification data received via Mail.dat and/or PostalOne! TM Initial Notification will provide general information on the name of the mailing, approximate size, induction location and approximate date of induction. Logistics Details will provide information on the number of pieces/number of handling units per destination ZIP Code. Near Term Updates will provide more specific information on the date and time of induction as well as more real-time information on the ZIP Code distribution. Barcode Details will provide information on the identification of piece, handling unit, container, nesting details. Initi al Noti fica tion Log istic s Det ails Nea r Ter m Upd ates Bar cod e Det ails 4 Weeks2 Weeks5 Days – 1 Day Prior 2 Days – 1 Day Prior

4 MTAC #102 4 Revised Approach Historical Data Analysis First-Class Advance Notification pilot team will analyze historical trends in First-Class mailings  Yearly trends from 2006 to 2007  Monthly trends from one month to the next  Daily trends One month’s data will be compared and used to forecast following months Team will also analyze reasons for spikes in First-Class Mail  Holidays  Special Events

5 MTAC #102 5 Current Status Participating Mailers  PSI –Submitted historical piece count manifest information to Pilot team (Jan 06 – Mar 07) –Submitted mail.dat information from Jan 07 – Mar 07 to Seamless Acceptance Pilot team  ZipSort –Currently preparing historical information for all mailings –Submitted mail.dat information from Jan 07 – Mar 07 to Seamless Acceptance Pilot team for only Seamless mailings

6 MTAC #102 6 Pilot Timeline Historical Data Analysis 4/9 – 6/8 A Interface Analysis 4/9 – 6/15 BC Provide Advance Notification 5/14 – 6/29 C Pilot Findings/ Recommendations 7/2 – 7/13 D April MayJuneJuly A B C D

7 MTAC #102 7 Interface Analysis First-Class Advance Notification pilot team will work with USPS routing and transportation systems to understand data necessary for their day to day planning.  Air Transportation Planning –SAMS (Surface-Air Management System) –SASS (Surface Air Support System)  Surface Transportation Planning –SAMS (Surface-Air Management System) –VITAL (Vehicle Information Transportation Analysis and Logistics) –TOPS (Transportation Optimization Planning and Scheduling )  MTE Planning –TBD

8 MTAC #102 8 Advance Notification Information & Pilot Findings/Recommendations First-Class Advance Notification pilot team will work with mailers to receive advance notification information  Data can be submitted in various formats ( i.e. – spreadsheet, text file, etc.)  Sent to pilot team on a weekly basis  Pilot team will compare advance notification information with actual arrival information  Results will be used to determine the validity of advance notification information Pilot team will discuss findings and make recommendations  System Updates  Operational/Process Modifications

9 MTAC #102 9 Seamless Acceptance Update  Manifest Quality  Mailpiece Count  Barcode Quality  Presort Errors  Address Validity  Address Hygiene Seamless Acceptance Pilot Verifications

10 MTAC #102 10 Seamless Acceptance/Visibility Update Intelligent Container Barcode Scans  Application of unique Intelligent Container Barcode began at PSI on 5/3  Resolving issues to stabilize container scans  Expand to other Seamless Acceptance participants in May Intelligent Tray Barcode Scans  Resolved outstanding issues with Intelligent Tray Label  PSI expanding application of 10/24 Intelligent Tray Labels to all mail in Omaha  Trays will be tracked through USPS network  ITB scans will be compared to expected volume from Mail.dat ® files Pilot Mailers to receive sample Container & Tray Scans

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