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NCLB Title II-D Enhancing Education Through Technology Program Consolidated Application Information Sessions Spring 2007.

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1 NCLB Title II-D Enhancing Education Through Technology Program Consolidated Application Information Sessions Spring 2007

2 Topics 1. Program Goals 2. Allowable Activities 3. Federal Funding Changes 4. Applications 5. Transferability 6. Current Funds Status

3 E2T2 Program Goals Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Improve student academic achievement through use of technology in schools Assist every student to become technological ly literate by end of 8 th grade Encourage effective tech integration w/ curriculum development and HQPD

4 Allowable Uses of Funds Access Tech Literacy Prof. Dev. Community Access to tech, new tech, and connectivity to improve student achievement Program Evaluation Expand tech applications, courses, & curricula for students and teachers Support ongoing, sustained HQPD for tech integration, prep tech leaders Promote parental involvement and foster communi- cation Use tech to collect, manage, analyze data for school improvement

5 Federal Funding Changes First 4 years of Title IID (‘02-03 to ‘05-06)  50% formula and 50% competitive grants Fifth year of Title IID (‘06-07)  Federal funding decreased 50%  Change in federal law to drop formula and only issue competitive  Issued 20 basic competitive grants  Issued 6 center grants

6 More Changes To Come  If congress level funds the program for 2007-08 and legislates continuation of the option of no formula grants…  Then NH will offer competitive grants like last year for high need districts based on Census poverty data.  Applications will look similar to previous years and be available as soon as USDOE informs us of final changes.

7 Transferability  Can still do local transfers INTO Title IID up to 50%, must still have current approved tech plan on file and use 25% of funds for tech-related professional development  Can still do REAP flex up to 100%, must still have current approved tech plan on file but don’t have to meet 25% PD  SRSA or RLIS? Still need a tech plan but don’t need to meet 25% PD

8 Current Funds Status 2006-07 Open 2005-06 Closed ??? 2004-05 Closed 2003-04 Closed 2002-03 Closed 2007-08 available July 07

9 Contact Information Cathy Higgins Educational Technology Consultant Office of Educational Technology NH Department of Education 101 Pleasant St, Concord, NH 03301 603-271-2453 MORE INFO AT

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