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Presentation on theme: "DISCOVERING THE BOOK OF THE WORLD Index :Descriptions."— Presentation transcript:



3 Isabel Juan My name´s Isabel. I´m from Villena, in Spain.I’ve got long,dark hair and brown eyes. My dad’s name is Fulgen.He’s got short,fair hair and green eyes.My mum’s name is Rosalina.She´s got short,dark hair and green eyes. I’ve got a little brother.His name is Fulgen. He´s got short, dark hair and blue eyes. clic here

4 Andrea Flor My name is Andrea.,I’m from Villena,in Spain.I’ve got long,dark hair and brown eyes. My mum’s name is Ana.She’s got long,dark hair and brown eyes. I’ve got a little brother.His name is Samuel.He’s got short, dark hair and brown eyes.Hello my name is Andrea.I am 12 years old,I like red,purple, and blue colour.

5 Carolina Berbegal Hello!I am Carolina, I’m twelve years old. I live in Villena,and I go to the High school Navarro Santafe. My favourite colour is green and my favourite subject is social science.My favourite film is the Twilight Saga.My favourite pop star is Black eyed peasand I like watching TV and films. My name’s Carolina.I’m from Villena, in Spain.I’ve got long,dark hair and brown eyes. My dad’s name is Raúl.He’s got short,dark hair and brown eyes.My mum’s name is Ana.She’s got long,dark hair and brown eyes. I’ve got a brother.His name is Francisco.He’s got short,dark and brown eyes.

6 David Talavera Hello, my name is David Talavera Cortés, I am twelve years old. I live in Villena Alicante. The name of my high school is I.E.S. Navarro Santafé.My favourite colours are light green and light blue.My favourite subjects are French, English, Sciences and Spanish.My favourite books are Laura Gallego´s books and my favourite comics are Tintin´s comics.My favourite singer is Édith Piaf.My favourite films are Tintin´s adventures and the Secret of the Unicorn.I like travel around the world. My favourite countries are Poland, France,England Etc... My name is David I have short, brown hair, my eyes are brown and I have freckles, I´m twelve years old. My mum´s name is Mª del Mar, she´s got long, dark hair and her eyes are brown. My dad´s name is Luis he´s got short ´ fair hair and his eyes are brown. I´ ve a big sister her name is Laura her hair is long and brown she´s got brown eyes.

7 Toni García Hi, my name Toni my mother is called Antonia and my sister Miriam i have a cat that i love very much and called Simba study at the institute Antonio Navarro Santafé i am 12 years old i like to play with my friends and playing Xbox 360 Hi, my name is Toni : I like to play with my friends to basketball, tennis i like play bowling On saturday morning i have to go to buy,in the afternoon i the duties and at night i see the tele if you put a movie good or i play the vidiojuegos or to your computer.The Sunday morning i play with my cat or with my sister,in the afternoon game of vidiojuegos,at night i see a little of the tele and me voi to sleep.

8 Francisco Beltrán My name is Francisco. I’m from Villena,in Spain.I’ve got short,dark hair and brown eyes.My dad’s name is Francisco.He has got short,dark hair and brown eyes.My mum’s name is Pilar.She has got long,dark hair and brown eyes.I have got a big sister.Her name is Mari Virtu.She has got long,dark hair and brown eyes.

9 Cristóbal Luna My name is Cristóbal. I’m from Villena,in Spain.I’ve got short,dark hair and brown eyes.I’ve got short,dark hair and blue eyes.My sister’s name is Virtu.She’s got long,dark hair and blue eyes.My father’s name is Cristobal.He’s got short,dark hair and blue eyes.My mum’s name is Llanos.She’s got long,dark hair and brown eyes.

10 Pedro José My name is Pedro. I’m from Villena,in Spain.I have got short,fair hair and brown eyes. I usually get up at half past seven.I always go to the high school.After school I always do my homework.I sometimes play basketball and I ride my bike. I have got one brother.He’s name is George.He is eight years old.He love horse.He has got fair, hair and brown eyes.


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