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What mercy was revealed What selflessness and peace My fate was surely sealed Until He rescued me.

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Presentation on theme: "What mercy was revealed What selflessness and peace My fate was surely sealed Until He rescued me."— Presentation transcript:


2 What mercy was revealed What selflessness and peace My fate was surely sealed Until He rescued me

3 His pardon for my sin His bounty for my need From slavery and shame I am redeemed

4 And Heaven can't contain The glory of the Son Jesus is the Christ, the saving One

5 His love has made a way The grave is overcome Jesus is the Christ, the saving One

6 No fear can hold me down Nor darkness steal my joy For blood has been poured out The enemy destroyed

7 Death could not hold Him down The cross was not enough To steal away His love for He is God

8 And Heaven can't contain The glory of the Son Jesus is the Christ, the saving One

9 His love has made a way The grave is overcome Jesus is the Christ, the saving One

10 Anyone who calls upon His name They will be saved They will be saved


12 And Heaven can't contain The glory of the Son Jesus is the Christ, the saving One

13 His love has made a way The grave is overcome Jesus is the Christ, the saving One

14 Anyone who calls upon His name They will be saved They will be saved

15 “The Saving One” Words and Music by Tim Neufeld, Jon Neufeld, and Mia Fieldes © 2010 Stonebrook Music Company / Shout! Publishing CCLI#173572 Anyone who calls upon His name They will be saved They will be saved

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