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I. The People (Ep.1). 1. Saints, 1:1 (holy, 1:4) Washed Ep.5:26-27 Clean.

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Presentation on theme: "I. The People (Ep.1). 1. Saints, 1:1 (holy, 1:4) Washed Ep.5:26-27 Clean."— Presentation transcript:

1 I. The People (Ep.1)

2 1. Saints, 1:1 (holy, 1:4) Washed Ep.5:26-27 Clean

3 2. Faithful, 1:1 Faithful: worthy of belief or trust Ac.19:18-19

4 3. Favored, 1:2 “Grace is free sovereign favor to the ill- deserving.” 1 Tim.1:13-14 Triple emphasis (1:6, 12, 14) peace, Result: peace, 1:2 – Blessed us Blessed us, 1:6 Saved us Saved us, 2:5 Who? 2:14 What? 2:15 How? 2:17

5 Gal.3: 26, you are…in Christ for 27, for you were baptized 4. Blessed (in Christ) 1:3 Physical blessings on all, Ac.14:17 Spiritual blessings, Ro.15:27 Every spiritual blessing: total, whole “In Him” (35x) Ep.1:3, 6-7, 9-13

6 5. Chosen 1:4 Chosen “In Him” Many invited, few kept Mt.22 Make sure calling & election 2 Pt.1:10

7 6. Without blemish, 1:4 OT: sacrificial animals (Nu.6:14) 1 Pt.1:19

8 7. Predestined, 1:5 Decide beforehand, predetermine 15 And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned – Mark 16:15-16

9 8. Adopted, 1:5 Take another’s child as one’s own Slave: freed, adopted; full heir Ga.4:5-7 (3:26-27) AugustusCaligulaNero

10 9. Redeemed, 1:7 Originally: ‘buying back’ a slave or captive, by payment of ransom POWs could ordinarily face slavery Condition: sin Condition: sin Cost: blood Cost: blood

11 10. Forgiven, 1:7 To remove the guilt resulting from wrongdoing—to pardon. Ro.6:23 What? Blood Mt.26:28 When? Baptism Ac.2:38 “for the forgiveness of sins” God left us to our devices to show our need (v.10)

12 11. Sealed, 1:13 “We were the first to hope” (12): Jews “You also…were sealed”: Gentiles Acts 2 H. S. baptism (Jews) Acts 10 H. S. baptism (Gentiles) “No difference” (Ac.15:8-9) No one can preach “Jews only” (Ac.11) Ro.8:14-17 “No difference” (Ac.15:8-9) No one can preach “Jews only” (Ac.11) Ro.8:14-17

13 I. The People (Ep.1) II. The Purpose (Ep.3:11)

14 Saints, Faithful, Favored, Blessed, Chosen, W/o blemish, Predestined, Adopted, Redeemed, Forgiven, Sealed Describe people who are the church 1. Describe people who are the church  W/o blemish, 1:4 = 5:27 Lord’s church is inclusive & exclusive 2. Lord’s church is inclusive & exclusive  Rv.22:17  Ac.5; 1 Co.5; Rv.2-3 God adds saved to His church, 3. God adds saved to His church, Ac.2

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