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Mebi 591D – BHI Kaggle Class Baselines

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1 Mebi 591D – BHI Kaggle Class Baselines http://winter2014-mebi591d-

2 Baseline (I.)  What is a baseline for?  (a) a reasonable 1 st approach to your problem  (b) meant to be quick and to get system running  (c) allow you to see improvements  What should be included?  (a) your system should be able to take in any test set and output your prediction  (b) you should be able to give evaluation scores on any test set presented  (c) you should be able to visualize which instances your errors occur in Due in 4 weeks: Start early!

3 Baseline (II.)  Examples of how to use your baseline  Case 1. Named-entity recognition task, choose to use sequential CRF implementation  Baseline: use unigram features  Further experiments: bigram features, POS, etc  Change to 2-step classification, change tagging

4 Baseline (II.)  Case 2. Predict stock market price  Baseline: HMM – previous stock price same time  Further experiments: add derivative features, add features from news  Can try several other classifications  Can use some kind of boosting algorithm

5 Evaluation Metrics (I.)  RECAP from last time --- never evaluate on test set when building your system -- why?  You are cheating!  Overtraining on mistakes and noise (won’t generalize)  Using a development set or cross-validation  A development set is another set you split out just like the test set (~10%)  Used to evaluate  Used for tuning parameters  Cross-validation sets  Split data to N pieces, use N-1 pieces as training, 1 as test, then repeat Nx to get variations of scores

6 Evaluation Metrics (II.)  Multi-class categorization  Precision, recall, f1-score  AUC curve  Why may these not measure things well?  Class imblance!  Use micro- and macro- definitions  Numeric predictions  RMS-error  Nearest neighbor error

7 Error analysis  Good to see where your system makes error so you can introduce better features (or a better model)  Good to see where you are getting false positives and false negatives  Confusion matrices for classification are helpful  It’s a (n label)x(n label) matrix where rows/columns represent gold and system predictions  Numbers in matrix represent counts

8 Tasks  Decide strategy(next week)  What is baseline  How work will be divided  What resources you will use  Baseline system (4 weeks)  Include prediction module  Includes evaluation module  Be able to visualize your errors for error analysis

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