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All His life, Jesus worked toward Mark 14-16. Galilean ministry, 1:16-8:30 Transition to Judah, 8:31-10:52 Events at Jerusalem, 11:1-16:20.

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Presentation on theme: "All His life, Jesus worked toward Mark 14-16. Galilean ministry, 1:16-8:30 Transition to Judah, 8:31-10:52 Events at Jerusalem, 11:1-16:20."— Presentation transcript:


2 All His life, Jesus worked toward Mark 14-16. Galilean ministry, 1:16-8:30 Transition to Judah, 8:31-10:52 Events at Jerusalem, 11:1-16:20

3 Concerned for disciples. Determined to fulfill His mission. Jesus stood in the shadow of the cross. Chapter 14

4 The final hours before His death. Plot by Jews. Chapter 14 Anointed for burial. Judas’ scheme. Passover observed. Lord’s Supper instituted.

5 Chapter 14 Passover instituted by Moses, Ex. 12:5-6 –G–God’s love. –G–God’s deliverance. Chief priests & scribes plot to kill the Lamb of God. Jews determined to kill Christ, 1-2

6 Chapter 14 Disciples complain, 3-5 –A–About 1 year’s salary. –C–Critical in matter of judgment. Christ was anointed for burial, 3-9

7 Chapter 14 Jesus commended the woman, 6-9 –G–Good work, 2 Tim. 3:16-17 –P–Poor always, Eph. 4:28 –C–Christ would leave, Acts 1:9 Christ was anointed for burial, 3-9

8 Chapter 14 Jesus commended the woman, 6-9 –D–Did what she could do, cf. 1 Tim. 2:11-12 Phone call, card. Kind word, visit. Invitation, information. Christ was anointed for burial, 3-9

9 Chapter 14 Went to chief priests, Mt. 26:14-16; Lk. 22:1-6 Bargained for 30 pieces of silver, Ex. 21:32; Jn. 12:4-6 Covetousness killed his soul, Mt. 16:26 Judas agreed to betray Jesus, 10-11

10 Chapter 14 Great significance, Ex. 12:1-28 “Is it I?”, Mt. 26:22, 25 –S–Self examination. –C–Correct any wrong. Jesus observed the Passover, 12-21

11 Chapter 14 Jesus warned His betrayer, 21 –K–Knew it would happen, Psa. 41:9; 22:16-18 –J–Judas was accountable. Jesus observed the Passover, 12-21

12 Chapter 14 Traitors: better off if they never existed, cf. 2 Pt. 2:18-22 –P–Price of sin too high: hell. –P–Price for sin too low: 30 piece of silver. Sexual satisfaction. Euphoric high of drugs. Acceptance in compromise. Jesus observed the Passover, 12-21

13 Chapter 14 He gave His body. –B–Broken on the cross, 1 Cor. 11:24 –A–As a sacrifice, Eph. 5:25 Lord’s Supper instituted, 22-26

14 Chapter 14 He shed His blood. –N–New covenant, Heb. 8:8, 13; 9:16-17 –F–For the remission of sins. –D–Drink in the kingdom, 1 Cor. 10:16-17 Lord’s Supper instituted, 22-26 Shed His blood For the remission of sins Baptized For the remission of sins Mt. 26:28 Acts 2:38

15 Chapter 14 The Passover sacrifice foreshadowed Christ’s sacrifice. –L–Lamb without blemish, Jn. 1:29; Heb. 4:15 –B–Blood – Passover. Lord’s Supper instituted, 22-26

16 The final hours before His death. Plot by Jews. Chapter 14 Anointed for burial. Judas’ scheme. Passover observed. Lord’s Supper instituted.

17 All His life, Jesus worked toward Mark 14-16. Concerned for disciples. Determined to fulfill His mission. Jesus stood in the shadow of the cross.

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