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Kingdom Fungi. Eukaryotic Heterotrophs –Secrete digestive enzymes to break down substrate and absorb nutrients Reproduce by spores which are spread by.

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Presentation on theme: "Kingdom Fungi. Eukaryotic Heterotrophs –Secrete digestive enzymes to break down substrate and absorb nutrients Reproduce by spores which are spread by."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kingdom Fungi

2 Eukaryotic Heterotrophs –Secrete digestive enzymes to break down substrate and absorb nutrients Reproduce by spores which are spread by wind May be unicellular (yeast) or multicellular Cell walls are made of chitin 3 main types: saprophytic, parasitic, and mutualistic

3 Different types of fungal spores

4 Saprophytes Scavengers Use non-living organic material for food –i.e., rotten logs Recycle carbon, nitrogen, and essential mineral nutrients


6 Parasites Live on living “host” and use it for food Harmful—sickens, weakens, or kills host Examples: –Molds –Mildew –Rusts –Athletes foot –Ringworm –Dutch elm disease

7 mold mildew rust Athlete’s foot

8 Ringworm

9 Dutch elm disease

10 Mutualistic Host and fungus benefit Examples: –Lichens: algae and fungus living together –Fungi which live in plant roots (micorrhizae)

11 micorrhizae



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