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Unit 2.  Once a month a female egg is released by one of a woman’s ovaries.  It moves through the fallopian tube to the uterus  The egg disintegrates.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2.  Once a month a female egg is released by one of a woman’s ovaries.  It moves through the fallopian tube to the uterus  The egg disintegrates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2

2  Once a month a female egg is released by one of a woman’s ovaries.  It moves through the fallopian tube to the uterus  The egg disintegrates and is flushed out of the body with the menstrual flow or is fertilized by a sperm  When the egg and the sperm unit, conception takes place and pregnancy begins

3  An egg can live for 12-24 hours  A sperm is capable of fertilizing an egg for 48 to 74 hours

4  First stage of development  Fertilized egg that lasts about two weeks  Zygote travels down the fallopian tube and attaches to the uterine wall  The zygote grows by cell division. One cell becomes two, then two four, then four eight and so on.  After two weeks, the zygote is only the size of a pinhead

5  Second stage of pregnancy  Embryo- developing baby from about the 3 rd week through the 8 th week

6  1 st  The mass of cells develops into all the major systems of the human body (but aren’t ready to be used yet) Lungs, heart, bones, and muscles  2 nd  A sac forms around the embryo and is filled with fluid. (Amniotic fluid)  3 rd  A tissue called the placenta develops Rich in blood vessels Mother’s bloodstream carries food and oxygen to the placenta  4 th  The umbilical cord helps connect the food and oxygen from the placenta to the baby.

7  Fetus: unborn baby from week 9 of pregnancy until birth  Baby shows movement  Woman abdomen grows as the fluid increases and uterus expands  During this period the baby’s organs can function on their own  The baby can suck its thumb, cough, sneeze, yawn, kick, and hiccup  A baby can even cry before birth

8  Month 1  Missed period  Month 2  Breasts swell  Pressure on bladder from enlarging uterus  Morning Sickness  Fatigue

9  Month 1  Size: pinhead  Egg attaches to uterus wall  Critical stage for brain and spinal cord development  Organs form  Heart begins to beat  Month 2  Size: About ¼ inch long  Face, eyes, ears, and limbs take shape  Bones begin to form

10  Month 3  Breasts firmer and fuller, may ache  Nausea, fatigue, frequent urination  Abdomen enlarges  Uterus becomes size of orange  Weight gain may total 2-4 pounds  Month 4  Abdomen enlarges more  Most discomforts of early pregnancy gone  Appetite increases

11  Month 3  Size: About 1 inch long  Nostrils, mouth, lips, teeth buds, and eyelids form  Fingers and toes almost complete  All organs are present, but immature  Month 4  Size: 3 inches long (1oz.)  Can suck thumb, swallow, hiccup, and move around  Facial features become clearer

12  Month 5  Enlarged abdomen apparent  Slight fetal movement  Increased size may begin to affect posture  Month 6  Able to feel kicks, thumps, and bumps. (Some may be visible)  Weight gain of 10-12 pounds

13  Month 5  Size: about 6.5-7 inches long (4-5 ounces)  Hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows appear  More active  Month 6  Size: about 8-10 inches long ( 8-12 ounces)  Fat deposits under skin, fetus appears wrinkled  Breathing movements begin

14  Month 7  Increased size affect posture  Month 8  Backache, leg cramps, shortness of breath, and fatigue  Fetal kicks may disturb rest  Weight gain of 18-20 pounds

15  Month 7  About 10-12 inches long (1-1.5 lbs.)  Periods of activity followed by rest  Month 8  Size: About 14-16 inches long (2.5-3 pounds)  Weight gain continues rapidly  Reaction to loud noises  Moves into head down position

16  Month 9  Lightening felt as the fetus drops into pelvis  Breathing becomes easier  Weight gain totals 25-35 lbs.  False labor pains may be experienced

17  Month 9  Size: About 17-18 inches long ( 5-6 lbs.)  Skin becomes smooth as fat deposits continue  Movements decrease (less room to move)  Acquires disease fighting antibodies from the mother’s blood  Descends into pelvis, ready for birth


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