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PowerPoint:mac 2004 A Way to Present Information Visually Ann Delesha and Lisa Simonet.

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Presentation on theme: "PowerPoint:mac 2004 A Way to Present Information Visually Ann Delesha and Lisa Simonet."— Presentation transcript:

1 PowerPoint:mac 2004 A Way to Present Information Visually Ann Delesha and Lisa Simonet

2 Opening PowerPoint Locate PowerPoint Icon on the Desktop Double-click mouse to open Or select PowerPoint Icon on the dock.

3 You will then see the “Project Gallery” Click “Open” to proceed.

4 PowerPoint:mac 2004 You will automatically go a blank page also referred to as the title slide. It will look like this:

5 The “Slide Viewer” Click- “Click to add title” and you will see a cursor. Type: My Project Click- “Click to add subtitle” again you will see a cursor. Type: Your Name

6 It should look like this… You are ready to move on. Let’s learn about the “Outline View”.

7 The “Outline View” As you type you will begin to see on the left-hand side what you are typing. You will also see what you have typed. It will look similar to this

8 The “Notes Panes” To enhance your presentation, you can type notes to assist you while presenting. Click- “Click to add notes” and you will get a cursor. Begin typing.

9 Reviewing The Parts of PowerPoint This is the “Outline View” See Page 7 This is the “Notes Pane”- See Page 8 This is the “Slide Viewer” See Page 5

10 The Formatting Palette You will need to use the formatting palette- in the event if it is not on. Click the icon with the A on it, it is below the Window and Help selections on the toolbar. The box will be highlighted grey when on.

11 How to Add a Design On the Formatting Palette,select Change Slides. Click on a design that will work for your presentation. This will also format the font and layout for each slide.

12 Adding a New Slide Using the Formatting Palette, you will be able to insert a new slide, click on what slide fits yours needs. Follow instructions on slide.

13 Adding Clip Art Select either of these two slides, they allow you to insert clip art. Double click to add clip art.

14 Adding Clip Art The Clip Art Gallery will open. Choose a picture. Click “Insert”

15 After You Add Several Slides After adding several slides try this: –Insert a chart or a flow chart, by selecting either of these two slide layouts: Or proceed by creating pizzazz by adding “Slide Transitions” See the next page!

16 Adding Transitions Transitions are an effect to move you from slide to slide. Click on Slide Show on the Menu Bar and then select Slide Transitions.

17 Slide Transitions First, Click “No Transition” A drop down menu will appear. Choose a transition. Click to

18 Let’s View Your Work!

19 How to Move About Your Presentation To move from slide to slide. Click the mouse once to advance to the next slide. To stop your show press the “esc” button. Congratulations, you have successfully made a PowerPoint.

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