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Welcome Back! We have TONS to do in the next 2 weeks. We have to work hard!  Journal #5 —Pop Quiz  Q3: The AP Argument Essay  A Previous Prompt  Defend,

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back! We have TONS to do in the next 2 weeks. We have to work hard!  Journal #5 —Pop Quiz  Q3: The AP Argument Essay  A Previous Prompt  Defend,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back! We have TONS to do in the next 2 weeks. We have to work hard!  Journal #5 —Pop Quiz  Q3: The AP Argument Essay  A Previous Prompt  Defend, Challenge, Qualify Planning—finish for HW  HW: Have your memoir read by Jan 5 th  Please share your Googlesite with me

2  Define the following Argument Terms  1. argument  2. claim  3. evidence/data  4. concession  5. qualifier  6. refutation

3  Journal #6—Argument Prompt (20 minutes)  Read the Prompt  Write a claim that expresses your position  Provide 3-5 pieces of evidence to support your position  Debrief on Defend, Challenge, Qualify—turn in to the tray or finish for HW (20 minutes max)

4  Sit with a partner of your choice  Discuss Defend, Challenge, Qualify  Journal #7—Current Events  Make a list of any recent current events, political happenings, court rulings, or legislation that you may be aware  NO Ferguson, MO!!

5  1. Find your partner from yesterday  2. Complete the Paine Prompt Packet from yesterday  Pg. 2--Read Student Performance Q&A  Pg. 3--Identification of Paine’s Assertions—Complete the chart  Pg. 4—Read the Scoring Guidelines and the Sample S essay  Pg. 5– Complete #1-5 using the Sample S; Just read #6 and #7, don’t fill anything out  Pg. 6—Complete #8 and 9  TURN IN to the tray or finish for HW!!!!   3.Pick up the Menken Prompt Packet—read through it for HW

6  Journal #8—US Citizenship Test (for fun)  Mencken Prompt  With a partner, work through the passage  Turn in to the tray or finish for homework

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