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Montse’s Photoshop Creations. Before After : Madame President In this Photoshop project I inserted myself into the magazine replacing the Sarah Palin.

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Presentation on theme: "Montse’s Photoshop Creations. Before After : Madame President In this Photoshop project I inserted myself into the magazine replacing the Sarah Palin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Montse’s Photoshop Creations

2 Before

3 After : Madame President In this Photoshop project I inserted myself into the magazine replacing the Sarah Palin that was already in there. After I added a filter to myself and replaced the words from Sarah to Montse, in the text under the title “Madame President”.

4 Before

5 After :Puppetier First I took a picture of myself and inserted it in the background. Then I cut my picture at the joints then I puppet warped it and attached the strings then I duplicated myself.

6 Before

7 After : A colorless life I began by taking a picture of myself and selecting myself. Then I used a filter to drain the color from the background.

8 Before

9 After : 4d painting I began by selecting my balloons and inserting them to the painting then I added a filter to them to match the painting, after I puppet warped the balloons to sway with the wind. Next I free transformed and skewed the painting to the art gallery wall I then added a frame and erased the outline of the man in front of the painting.

10 Before

11 After : Me in History I inserted myself in history into a medieval family portrait. First I selected my head and fit it on the body of the lady then I had to try filters to match the texture and lastly I slightly changed the opacity to fit in better to the painting.

12 Before

13 After : How to Hide a Bobcat I began by deleting the baby from the costume then I cut out the parts I needed and inserted them to the painting. I then puppet warped the bobcat to look natural in the costumes. Lastly I added the affect threshold.

14 Before

15 After : M tunes Firstly I took a picture of myself and selected myself and deleted my background. Then I painted my background black. Then I changed my paintbrush to stars and added layers of different colors to my silhouette. Lastly I drew the I pod headphones on.

16 T h e E n d

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