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IMS QTI 2.1 session. 2 Overview Outline of the session Update on specification development Sue Milne: QTIworks, Uniqurate and LTI demo David McKain: QTIWorks.

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Presentation on theme: "IMS QTI 2.1 session. 2 Overview Outline of the session Update on specification development Sue Milne: QTIworks, Uniqurate and LTI demo David McKain: QTIWorks."— Presentation transcript:

1 IMS QTI 2.1 session

2 2 Overview Outline of the session Update on specification development Sue Milne: QTIworks, Uniqurate and LTI demo David McKain: QTIWorks development Graham Smith: Jassess Lunch Profiles discussion

3 3 QTI developments Update on specification development  APIP  Preview services  Portable custom interactions QTI developments around the Globe  The Netherlands  Germany  France  South Korea  USA

4 4 What does Question and Test Interoperability 2.1 do? Defines question items Defines tests Describes items and tests (metadata) Defines a package for transport of items, tests and metadata Defines results and stats

5 5 Accessible Portable Item Protocol (APIP) Provides detailed item rendering instructions for particular needs and preferences (sight, sound etc.) Requires Personal Needs & Preferences file to select appropriate rendering Status: Candidate Final (i.e. no demonstrated interoperability yet) Added to QTI, but doesn't alter it Likely many profiles (entry, core, and one for each community)

6 6 QTI/APIP services ReSTful Uses Odata protocol  Broadly: using AtomPub for shifting data  Came from Microsoft, now an OASIS spec Services  Package transport  Item/Test preview  Test registration/PnP transport Examples:  GET POST PUT DELETE apip/packaging/v1/Package(packageId) → CP zip  GET apip/preview/v1/ Package(packageId)/PNP(pnpId)/item(itemId) → rendered item in HTML, using someone's preferences

7 7 Portable customInteraction Issue: the moment you use a customInteraction, is the moment you lose interoperability Solution:  Ship (javaScript) code with the item  Define javaScript API

8 8 QTI developments: the Netherlands Dutch Exam Profile  Commissie voor Examens / CITO / Trifork and partners  Used for all computer aided school exams in the Netherlands NL QTI  Kennisnet  Formative (-ish) profile for VLE use in schools  Documents and validator: Surf Assessment and Assessment driven learning programme  Surf and projects  Higher Education  Implementation and evaluation of QTI's role in shared assessment infrastructure and material

9 9 QTI developments: Germany BPS Onyx suite  Integrated into BPS' supported version of the OLAT VLE  OPAL instance for Saxony: 13 universities, 50.000 users, average 28.000 logins per day  Other instances: 3 universities, 108.000 users  Hosted Onyx solution: 300 – 1000 test runs a day  Other Onyx installs at 13 Universities in Rhineland-Palatinate, and similar consortium in Thuringia

10 10 QTI developments: France MOCAH suite of tools  University Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), POLE Editions  Used in 160 classes  400 patterns (i.e. templated items) made  Cohorts of 90/100 take MOCAH tests each year

11 11 QTI Developments: South Korea In the past:  Cyber Home Learning System  Daulsoft TeachingMate authoring and playback  Hangul (Korean Word) QTI authoring extension Now:  KERIS EPUB3 & QTI 2.1 integration project  Four vendors in investigation, pilot implementation, roll out stages

12 12 QTI Developments: USA Race to the Top consortia  Involve nearly every state  Builds tools, infrastructure and assessment material  Open specifications and open source: Assessment Interoperability Framework (AIF)  Part IMS, part Schools Interoperability Framework  PARCC consortium: $170 million, $52 million tech development  SMARTER Balanced: $160 million QTI used as an internal standard by:  ETS  Pearson NA  NWA  Others...

13 13 Questions? Wilbert Kraan 

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