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@ Future Plans for SiD & Opportunities for collaboration H.Weerts Argonne National Lab.

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Presentation on theme: "@ Future Plans for SiD & Opportunities for collaboration H.Weerts Argonne National Lab."— Presentation transcript:

1 @ Future Plans for SiD & Opportunities for collaboration H.Weerts Argonne National Lab

2 SiD in France, 11 Feb 2008 H.Weerts 2 Short term and mid term goals for SiD Create a LOI ( or whatever it will be called) and submit to Research Director (RD) Interact with RD and communicate clear intention to submit LOI Become a “validated” LOI Hard to see beyond this, because it is not clear. Even “validation” meaning is not quite clear However: It is necessary to be “validated”, because it will be required for any future steps for SID Last months have been sobering The case for a Linear Collider remains strong. Science has not changed. Funding situation in UK & US especially towards ILC SiD keeps making progress Goals:

3 SiD in France, 11 Feb 2008 H.Weerts 3 The new draft time line for the SiD LOI Date Milestone 4/09Submit LOI 3/09Begin Final Edit of LOI; complete authorlist 2/09 Complete LOI Draft Collaboration Review and Comment 9/08GEANT4 Description Ready Performance Studies Ready Benchmarking Studies Ready 6/08Freeze Detector Design SubSystems Fully Specified Subsystem Technologies/Alternates Selected Conceptual Designs Ready 4/08Freeze Global Parameters First Pass Detector Design 3/08First Pass Global Parameters Optimization studies 01/08Subgroup Plans Defined Milestones and Deliverables Manpower Resources Needed Activities Optimization studies At UK meeting

4 SiD in France, 11 Feb 2008 H.Weerts 4 Engineering Pre-conceptual thoughts All the way to commissioning Need to continue this in SiD Can not produce anything believable without it DetectorRadius (m)Axial (z) (m) MinMaxMinMax Vertex Detector0. Central Tracking0. Endcap Tracker0.000.490.851.37 Barrel Ecal1.271.410.001.79 Endcap Ecal0.211.271.651.79 Barrel Hcal1.422.370.002.74 Endcap Hcal0.211.411.792.74 Coil2.463.270.002.74 Barrel Iron3.285.920.002.75 Endcap Iron0.215.922.755.39 Example:Global parameters needed

5 SiD in France, 11 Feb 2008 H.Weerts 5 Workshops & Meetings Next meetings: March 3-6 Sendai meeting ( ACFA) April 14-15 SiD meeting @ RAL ……. Plan more for LOI preparation Recent meetings: Oct 2007 At Fermilab (ALCPG) Jan 28-29, 2008 SiD meeting @ SLAC

6 SiD in France, 11 Feb 2008 H.Weerts 6 Areas for contributions to SiD

7 SiD in France, 11 Feb 2008 H.Weerts 7 How to get involved in SiD/contacts EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE H.Aihara, J.Brau, M.Breidenbach, M.Demarteau, J.Jaros, J.Karyotakis, H.Weerts & A.White SOLENOID FLUX RET K.Krempetz +++++ -- VERY FORWARD W.Morse -- SIMULATION N.Graf -- MDI P.Burrows T.Markiewicz T.Tauchi -- VERTEXING Su Dong Ron Lipton Mech: W.Cooper -- CALORIMETERS A.White ECAL:R.Frey/D.Strom HCAL:V.Zutshi/H.Weerts PFA:N.Graf/S.Magill -- MUON H.Band H.E.Fisk -- BENCHMARKING T.Barklow A.Nomerotski -- COST M.Breidenbach -- R& D COORDINATOR A. White ADVISORY COMMITTEE All names on this chart SiD organization and subgroups Version 0.3 July 2007 Engineering: M.Breidenbach, K.Krempetz

8 SiD in France, 11 Feb 2008 H.Weerts 8 Opportunities (incomplete list) Tracking –VTD technology –Optimize Si tracking ( layers, ++) –Forward System Calorimetry –Choice of HCAL technology requires study, PFA evaluation. Overall Optimization: Inner Radius Depth and Length? B field? –Forward systems challenging Muon –Technology? –# Layers? (Boost HCAL ) Solenoid challenging Simulation & algorithmic tools –Tremendous effort and many tools are in place)  Detector studies and MC benchmarking should be pursued! Overall integration studies needed

9 SiD in France, 11 Feb 2008 H.Weerts 9 Vertex Detector Projects Pixel sensor development and testing Mechanical design and testing Power delivery and signal transmission Vertex and flavor tagging algorithms Test beam program Vertex Contacts: Su Dong Ron Lipton Bill Cooper (mechanics) UK groups joined.

10 SiD in France, 11 Feb 2008 H.Weerts 10 Tracker Projects Tracker Contacts: Marcel Demarteau Rich Partridge Bill Cooper (mechanics) Module design and testing Mechanical design and testing Alignment and vibration measurement Forward tracker design Tracking algorithms and optimization Test beam program

11 SiD in France, 11 Feb 2008 H.Weerts 11 Calorimeter Projects ECal design, testing & simulation HCal design and testing Mechanical Design PFA development and studies Other Simulation studies: ,  0, #, etc. Test beam program Calorimeter Contacts: Andy White ( overall) Ray Frey (ECal) David Strom (ECal) Vishnu Zutshi (HCal) Harry Weerts (HCal) Norman Graf (PFA) Steve Magill (PFA)

12 SiD in France, 11 Feb 2008 H.Weerts 12 Muon and Solenoid Projects Muon system design Muon tracking algorithms and studies Punch-through, background studies Test beam program Solenoid design Muon/Solenoid Contacts: Henry Band (muon) Gene Fisk (muon) Paul Karchin (muon) Kurt Krempetz (solenoid)

13 SiD in France, 11 Feb 2008 H.Weerts 13 Forward Detector and MDI Projects LumCal, BeamCal, GamCal design MDI design  machine connection Energy, polarimeter design Beam pipe design Forward Det. Contacts: Bill Morse (Forward) Phil Burrows (MDI) Tom Markiewicz (MDI) Tauchi Toshiaki (MDI) 8cm 20cm 113mrad 47mrad QD0 Mask Bcal Ex. BeamPipe

14 SiD in France, 11 Feb 2008 H.Weerts 14 Benchmarking Projects Physics performance studies Benchmarking Contacts: Tim Barklow Andrei Nomerotski A.Nomerotski1@physics.

15 SiD in France, 11 Feb 2008 H.Weerts 15 Simulation Projects Detailed detector simulation Algorithm development and detector optimization through simulation Simulation Contact: Norman Graf StdHep Events SLIC LCDD XML LCIO Events Geom Converter Compact XML org.lcsim JAS3 WIRED4 AIDA HepRep XML Conditions Software Package Data Format User Analysis Drivers

16 SiD in France, 11 Feb 2008 H.Weerts 16 Summary It is an excellent time to get involved in SiD Many interesting projects that can use contributions Challenging to work on new detector More information can be found in the SiD talks at conferences & workshops Getting started is easy: 1.Identify an area in SiD where you would like to contribute 2.Talk with SiD leadership about your interests and SiD needs 3.Start attending meetings and begin contributing to SiD See the SiD web page for links to further information:

17 SiD in France, 11 Feb 2008 H.Weerts 17 THE END

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