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Stars Other Suns. Physical Properties Luminosity Mass Diameter (radius) Must know distance to find out these properties!

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Presentation on theme: "Stars Other Suns. Physical Properties Luminosity Mass Diameter (radius) Must know distance to find out these properties!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stars Other Suns

2 Physical Properties Luminosity Mass Diameter (radius) Must know distance to find out these properties!

3 Physical Properties Surface temperature Chemical composition Analyze spectra to infer these properties; distance not required.

4 Distances Direct: Heliocentric stellar parallaxes (AU as baseline) Smaller parallax, greater distance Inverse relation: Distance is inversely proportional to parallax angle Precise parallaxes of many stars by Hipparcos satellite

5 Luminosities Measure flux at earth Imagine sphere with radius equal to distance; area collects star’s luminosity Inverse-square law: Flux inversely proportional to distance squared

6 Masses Find: Binary systems (lots!) Apply: Newton’s version of Kepler’s 3rd Need: Distance, orbital period & separation, center of mass Get: Mass of each star

7 Diameters (Radii) Current techniques can measure angular diameters directly for some stars Angular diameter inversely proportional to distance Need distance to find physical diameter

8 Diameters (Radii) Infer: From luminosity, surface temperature Assume: Radiates like blackbody; temperature gives flux at surface Luminosity: From surface flux and area => infer radius (area = 4 π R 2 for sphere of radius R)

9 Composition Analyze spectra (most contain absorption lines) Match dark lines to those for known elements Gives composition of photosphere only

10 Surface Temperatures From color: Bluish-white (hottest) to reddish (coolest) From peak in continuous spectrum or matching continuous spectrum to that of a blackbody –Assume radiate somewhat like blackbodies (Planck curve)

11 Energy Fusion reactions! (E = mc 2 ) PP Chain, CNO cycle In high-temperature cores (above ignition temperatures) Energy flows to surface (radiation, convection ), radiated into space

12 Spectral Classes Temperature sequence from hottest (O) to coolest (M) Based on intensities of certain dark lines of specific elements (especially Balmer series of hydrogen) Related to colors of stars (continuous spectra)

13 Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram Graph of stellar luminosities (need distances!) versus surface temperatures (colors or spectral types) See patterns among stars => different physical features Main sequence, giants, supergiants, white dwarfs

14 Luminosity Classes Pattern on H-R digram Same spectral types (surface temperatures) but different luminosities! Infer different surface areas and so different radii: Supergiants, giants, main sequence

15 Mass-Luminosity Relation Graph luminosities versus masses (from binary systems) Pattern: Larger masses have much greater luminosities Luminosity directly proportional to mass to the 4th power (L ~ M 4 )

16 Lifetimes Fuel reserve: Directly proportional to mass Use: Directly proportional to luminosity Lifetime = Reserve/Use or M/M 4 or 1/M 3 => more mass, shorter lifetime!

17 Ages Lifetime: Total span of active life from fusion reactions Age: Time elapsed since fusion reactions began Sun’s lifetime: 10 Gy; sun’s age, 5 Gy; when age = lifetime, star dies (no more fusion)

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