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Partnership Meeting #4 CCI Paris 19 th -21 st February 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Partnership Meeting #4 CCI Paris 19 th -21 st February 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Partnership Meeting #4 CCI Paris 19 th -21 st February 2014

2 Welcome!




6 A Quick Review of Progress to Date


8 In short, we are where we should be, well done everyone!

9 Things to watch out for…… 1. Translations – you must keep up with this task, especially as the amount of materials builds up 2. Pilot Testing – covered in detail by UPB later; stick to the schedule!! 3. Dissemination - disseminate, disseminate! Keep a record of what you have done! 4. National launches – start thinking now about opportunities 5. Transnational launch – EBN’s Work Package (WP7): Margaret will update later; we need to confirm soon

10 Programme Finances - Payments A payment would be very welcome! The next pre-financing payment will be released upon the successful adoption of the Interim Report (submitted on 30/11/2013) NMEA has been in contact with the UK NA on several occasions to try to move things along The UK NA points to the grant agreement which states that they have 90 days to either release the payment or raise a query – going by their timetable would mean a verdict some time in early March Although reluctant to reveal any details, when pressed the content of our report was described as “good”, the NA is currently assessing the financial table part of the report

11 Programme Finances – Staff Time All programme activity/expenditure must be complete by the end of September 2014 Look at your total budget; at this stage you should be ensuring that your spend profile is on target You should be aiming for 100% spend – if you feel you are going to have a major underspend contact Colin asap

12 Programme Finances – T&S We have less control over this budget heading than we have with staff time The Interim Report process flagged up what is likely to be a substantial underspend in T&S Can you please look at your total T&S expenditure to date after this meeting and compare it with your budget – given that we have one meeting left after Paris, can you make a ‘best guess’ as to your total T&S spend for the project Depending on the value of the underspend we can look at redeploying it either into staff time or e.g. attendance fees etc. I will need to have a clear picture of the above very soon, I will be contacting you all in early March to get your input

13 Any Questions?

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