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Homework #3 is due 4/11. Bonus #3 is due F 4/27.

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Presentation on theme: "Homework #3 is due 4/11. Bonus #3 is due F 4/27."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homework #3 is due 4/11. Bonus #3 is due F 4/27.

2 CB 48.3 Nerves allow us to perceive the environment while the brain integrates the incoming signals to determine an appropriate response.

3 electrical at synapse chemical At the synapse the electrical signal is converted to a chemical signal

4 CB 48.16 Neurons are commonly connected to many other neurons, and the effect of the different incoming signals determines what the neuron will do.

5 CB 48.19 The brain and the central nervous system integrate the various incoming signals

6 The optic nerves for each eye enter opposite sides of the brain CB 49.24

7 CB 48.23 Human Brain Development (don’t copy all of this) : Cerebrum- integration and memory Brainstem- homeostasis and input sensory info Cerebellum- motor functions Diencephalon- input to cerebrum and homeostasis

8 CB 48.24 Input to brain is filtered. What are you paying attention to?

9 CB 48.25 Circadian Rhythms: daily patterns set by light (northern flying squirrel)

10 CB 48.26 Cerebrum: higher brain function

11 CB 48.26 Neocortex: thin layer on outside of the cerebrum. ~5mm thick but ~80% brain mass.

12 CB 48.26 Corpus Callosum: communication between hemispheres

13 CB 48.27 Different regions of the cerebral cortex integrate different inputs/outputs

14 CB 48.29 Visualizing the specialization of brain regions

15 CB 48.28 Some body parts have more sensory input/ motor control

16 CB 48.30 The Limbic System: generating and reacting to emotions

17 "The Role of Dreams in the Evolution of the Human Mind" by Michael Franklin and Michael Zyphur in Evolutionary Psychology 2005. 3: 59- 78 http://human- 035978.html

18 Why do we dream? Random neural activity Threat rehearsal

19 Homework #3 is due 4/11. Bonus #3 is due F 4/27.

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