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An Efficient Approach to Column Selection in HPLC Method Development Craig S. Young and Raymond J. Weigand Alltech Associates, Inc. 2051 Waukegan Road.

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Presentation on theme: "An Efficient Approach to Column Selection in HPLC Method Development Craig S. Young and Raymond J. Weigand Alltech Associates, Inc. 2051 Waukegan Road."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Efficient Approach to Column Selection in HPLC Method Development Craig S. Young and Raymond J. Weigand Alltech Associates, Inc. 2051 Waukegan Road Deerfield, IL 60015 Phone: 1-800-ALLTECH Web Site:

2 Introduction Common Mistakes in Method Development: Inadequate Formulation of Method Goals Little Knowledge of Chemistry of Analyte Mixture Use of the First Reversed Phase C18 Column Available Trial and Error with Different Columns and Mobile Phases These Mistakes Result In: Laborious, Time-consuming Development Projects Methods that Fail to Meet the Needs of the Analyst

3 HPLC Method Development - A Proposed Procedure At Your Desk Define your knowledge of the sample Define your goals for the separation method Choose the columns to be considered In the Laboratory Choose the initial mobile phase chemistry Choose the detector type and starting parameters Evaluate the potential columns for the sample Optimize the separation conditions (isocratic or gradient) for the chosen column Validate the method for release to routine laboratories

4 Choosing the Appropriate HPLC Column Should Be Based Both Upon Knowledge of the Sample and Goals for the Separation Benefits of this Approach Include: Small initial time investment Big time savings in the HPLC laboratory More “informed” approach to column selection More efficient than “trial and error” approach

5 Knowledge of the Sample Influences the Choice of Column Bonded Phase Characteristics Knowledge of the Sample Structure of sample components? Number of compounds present? Sample matrix? pK a values of sample components? Concentration range? Molecular weight range? Solubility? Other pertinent data? Column Chemistry (bonded phase, bonding type, endcapping, carbon load) }

6 Goals for the Separation Influence the Choice of Column Particle Physical Characteristics Goals for the Separation Max. resolution of all components? Partial resolution? Fast analysis? Economy (low solvent usage)? Column stability and lifetime? Preparative method? High sensitivity? Other goals? Column Physics (particle bed dimensions, particle shape, particle size, surface area, pore size) }

7 Column Selection Chart Method Goals High EfficiencyHigh Capacity Low Backpressure High ResolutionHigh Sample Loadability Suitable for MW >2000 High Stability High Sensitivity Fast AnalysisLow Mobile Phase Consumption Stability at pH Extremes Fast Eqilibration Default Column (Good for most Applications) Particle Size small (3µm) medium (5µm) large (10µm) Column Length short (30mm) medium (150mm) long (300mm) Column ID narrow (2.1mm) medium (4.6mm) wide (22.5mm) Surface Area low (200m 2 /g) high (300m 2 /g) Pore Size small (60Å) medium (100Å) large (300Å) Carbon Load low (3%) medium (10%) high (20%) Bonding Type monomeric polymeric Particle Shape spherical irregular

8 Choosing the Bonded Phase Draw the molecular structures for all known components of the mixture. Identify the two compounds whose structures are the most similar. e.g.: PrednisolonePrednisone

9 For these two molecules, circle the structural features that differ. It is these differences that should be exploited to optimize the separation. e.g.: Choosing the Bonded Phase PrednisolonePrednisone

10 Choosing the Bonded Phase Use the results of the structural comparison to select a bonded phase showing optimal selectivity for these two molecules. In this case consider using a silica column (no bonded phase) for its ability to retain polar solutes through hydrogen bonding. PrednisolonePrednisone

11 Functional Group Polarity Comparisons PolarityFunctional GroupStructureBonding TypesIntermolecular Forces Displayed LowMethyleneLondon Phenyl , London Halide London, Dipole-Dipole Ether London, Dipole-Dipole, H-bonding Nitro ,  London, Dipole-Dipole, H-bonding Ester ,  London, Dipole-Dipole, H-bonding Aldehyde ,  London, Dipole-Dipole, H-bonding Ketone ,  London, Dipole-Dipole, H-bonding Amino ,  London, Dipole-Dipole, H-bonding, Acid-base chemistry Hydroxyl London, Dipole-Dipole, H-bonding HighCarboxylic Acid ,  London, Dipole-Dipole, H-bonding, Acid-base chemistry

12 Choosing the Bonded Phase C18 or Octadecylsilane (ODS) Very nonpolar - Retention is based on London (dispersion) interactions with hydrophobic compounds. Example Alltech Phase: Alltima ™ C18 Examples of bonded phases used for HPLC packing media:

13 Choosing the Bonded Phase Phenyl Nonpolar - Retention is a mixed mechanism of hydrophobic and  -  interactions. Example Alltech Phase: Platinum ™ Phenyl

14 Choosing the Bonded Phase Cyanopropyl Intermediate polarity - Retention is a mixed mechanism of hydrophobic, dipole-dipole, and  -  interactions. Example Alltech Phase: Alltima ™ CN

15 Choosing the Bonded Phase Each bonded phase has unique selectivity for certain sample types. As a practical example, to separate toluene and ethyl benzene: Note a difference of one -CH 2 - unit Choose a C18 bonded phase for retention by hydrophobicity Maximize hydrophobic selectivity with a high silica surface area, high carbon load material like Alltima C18 Toluene Ethyl Benzene

16 Choosing the Particle Physical Characteristics Use the Column Selection Chart Use “default” column as starting point Match up method goals with individual particle physical characteristics Change only those particle parameters that affect the method goals Recognize the “optimum” column as a possible compromise Example: Sample Type: hydrophobic compounds Method Goal: highest resolution

17 Choosing the Particle Physical Characteristics Column Selection Chart Default ColumnOptimum Column† Column Bed Dimensions 150 x 4.6mm250 x 4.6mm Particle Size 5µm3* or 5µm Surface Area 200m 2 /g >200m 2 /g Pore Size 100Å100Å Carbon Load 10%16 - 20% Bonding Type MonomericMono- or Polymeric Base Material SilicaSilica Particle Shape SphericalSpherical * mobile phase backpressure may be excessive † Optimum Column: Alltima C18 ™, 5µm, 250 x 4.6mm (Part No. 88056) *Note that the choice may represent a compromise. Here, the “optimum” column for resolution sacrifices speed. Example: Sample Type: hydrophobic compounds Method Goal: highest resolution

18 Choosing the Particle Physical Characteristics Column Dimensions Length and internal diameter of packing bed Particle Shape Spherical or irregular Particle Size The average particle diameter, typically 3-20µm Surface Area Sum of particle outer surface and interior pore surface, in m 2 /gram

19 Pore Size Average size of pores or cavities in particles, ranging from 60-10,000Å Bonding Type Monomeric - single-point attachment of bonded phase molecule Polymeric - multi-point attachment of bonded phase molecule Carbon Load Amount of bonded phase attached to base material, expressed as %C Endcapping “Capping” of exposed silanols with short hydrocarbon chains after the primary bonding step Choosing the Particle Physical Characteristics

20 Column Dimensions Effect on chromatography Column Dimension Short (30-50mm) - short run times, low backpressure Long (250-300mm) - higher resolution, long run times Narrow ( 2.1mm) - higher detector sensitivity Wide (10-22mm) - high sample loading

21 Particle Shape Effect on chromatography Spherical particles offer reduced back pressures and longer column life when using viscous mobile phases like 50:50 MeOH:H 2 O.

22 Particle Size Effect on chromatography Smaller particles offer higher efficiency, but also cause higher backpressure. Choose 3µm particles for resolving complex, multi- component samples. Otherwise, choose 5 or 10µm packings.

23 Surface Area Effect on chromatography High surface area generally provides greater retention, capacity and resolution for separating complex, multi-component samples. Low surface area packings generally equilibrate quickly, especially important in gradient analyses. High surface area silicas are used in Alltech’s Alltima ™, Adsorbospherel ® HS, and Adsorbosphere ® UHS packings. Low surface area silicas are used in Alltech’s Platinum ™, Econosphere ™, and Brava ™ packings.

24 Pore Size Effect on chromatography Larger pores allow larger solute molecules to be retained longer through maximum exposure to the surface area of the particles. Choose a pore size of 150Å or less for sample MW  2000. Choose a pore size of 300Å or greater for sample MW > 2000.

25 Bonding Type Effect on chromatography Monomeric bonding offers increased mass transfer rates, higher column efficiency, and faster column equilibration. Polymeric bonding offers increased column stability, particularly when highly aqueous mobile phases are used. Polymeric bonding also enables the column to accept higher sample loading.

26 Carbon Load Effect on chromatography Higher carbon loads generally offer greater resolution and longer run times. Low carbon loads shorten run times and many show a different selectivity, as in Alltech’s Platinum line of packings.

27 Endcapping Effect on chromatography Endcapping reduces peak-tailing of polar solutes that interact excessively with the otherwise exposed, mostly acidic silanols. Non- endcapped packings provide a different selectivity than do endcapped packings, especially for such polar samples. Alltech’s Platinum ™ EPS packings are non-endcapped to offer enhanced polar selectivity.

28 Conclusion In this approach to HPLC column selection, the bonded phase chemistry of the column is chosen on the basis of an analysis of the sample component structures. The physics of the column is chosen according to an analysis of the goals for the separation method. This approach succeeds in predicting unique, optimum bonded phase chemistries and particle bed physical characteristics that are likely to meet the goals for the separation method.

29 Column Selection Example #1 What goals do I have for the method? Maximum resolution of all components? Best Peak Shape for difficult samples? Fast analysis? Economy (low solvent consumption)? Column stability-long lifetime? Purify one or more unknown components for characterization? High sample loadability? High sensitivity? …Other (High Sample Throughput--Quick Equilibration) Number of compounds present 4 Sample matrix -- pKa values of compounds? -- UV spectral information about compounds?UV -254 Concentration range of compounds -- Molecular weight range of compounds94 - 323 What do I know about the sample?

30 Column Selection Example #1 Structures of Compounds

31 Column Selection Example #1 Which two sample components have the most similar structures? Draw them, then circle the structural differences between them. Normal phasesilicaNH 2 CN Reversed phaseC18C8PhCN Anthracene 3-Hexylanthracene Note: The structural difference between these two compounds is the hydrophobic hexyl side chain. This suggests a non-polar C18 or C8 column would interact with this area of difference to help provide separation of these two compounds. Recommended bonded phase (silica based materials only) – mark one

32 Column Selection Example #1 Column physical characteristics – use Column Selection Chart and Method Goals Default Column Ideal Column Column bed dimensions (mm)150 x 4.6 100 x 2.1 Particle Size (µm) 5 5 Surface area (m 2 /g) 200 <200 Pore Size (Å)100 100 Carbon Load (%)10 10 Bonding typeMonomeric Monomeric Particle shapespherical spherical

33 Available packing alternatives meeting the above criteria: Packing Base ParticleParticle Carbon Pore SurfaceBondingEnd- MaterialShapeSize Load Size Area Typecap’d (µm) (%) (Å) (m 2 /g) silica Sph.3, 5, 101280220Mono.Yes silicaSph.3, 58.5145185Mono.Yes silicaSph.3, 5, 101080200Mono.Yes silicaSph.3, 5, 106100200Mono.Yes Column of choice: Brava BDS C18, 100x2.1, 5µm (Spherical, 185m 2 /g, monomeric) Column Selection Example #1 Increased Sensitivity, Low Solvent Consumption, Fast Analysis Quick Equilibration Good balance of efficiency & backpressure Reduced backpressure Best Peak Shape Allsphere ODS-2 Brava BDS C18 Econosphere C18 Platinum C18

34 Column Selection Example #2 What goals do I have for the method? Maximum resolution of all components? Partial resolution, resolving only select components? Fast analysis? Economy (low solvent consumption)? Column stability-long lifetime? Purify one or more unknown components for characterization? High sample loadability? High sensitivity? …Other Number of compounds present 6+ Sample matrix -- pKa values of compounds? -- UV spectral information about compounds? UV -254 Concentration range of compounds -- Molecular weight range of compounds349 - 645 What do I know about the sample?

35 Column Selection Example #2 Structures of Compounds

36 Column Selection Example #2 Which two sample components have the most similar structures? Draw them, then circle the structural differences between them. Notes: both structures very polar, with amine and pi bond functions--a RP CN column may give good separation by mixed- mode retention of hydrophobic, CN---H---NR 2 hydrogen bonding and - interactions with double bonds. Normal phasesilicaNH 2 CN Reversed phaseC18C8PhCN Recommended bonded phase (silica based materials only) – mark one

37 Column Selection Example #2 Column physical characteristics – use Column Selection Chart and Method Goals Default Column Ideal Column Column bed dimensions (mm)150 x 4.6250 x 2.1 Particle Size (µm) 55 Surface area (m 2 /g) 200200 + Pore Size (Å)100Not critical Carbon Load (%)10-- Bonding typeMonomericPolymeric Particle shapesphericalspherical

38 Column Selection Example #2 Available packing alternatives meeting the above criteria: PackingBaseParticleParticleCarbonPoreSurfaceBondingEnd- MaterialShapeSizeLoadSizeAreaTypecap’d (µm) (%) (Å) (m 2 /g) Adsorbosil CNsilicaIrreg.5, 10--60450Poly.Yes Alltima CNsilicaSph.3, 5--100350Poly.Yes Allsphere CNsilicaSph.3, 5, 10--80220Mono.No Platinum CNsilicaSph.3, 5, 10--100200Mono.No Column of choice: Alltima CN, 250 x 2.1, 5µm ( Spherical, 350 m 2 /g, polymeric) High resolution, High sensitivity High res. Good balance of efficiency & backpressure Reduced backpressure Robust

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