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College and Career Readiness for Juniors WHAT YOU SHOULD BE DOING NOW TO PREPARE FOR THE FUTURE!

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Presentation on theme: "College and Career Readiness for Juniors WHAT YOU SHOULD BE DOING NOW TO PREPARE FOR THE FUTURE!"— Presentation transcript:

1 College and Career Readiness for Juniors WHAT YOU SHOULD BE DOING NOW TO PREPARE FOR THE FUTURE!

2 ACT Test  All juniors will take the ACT March 1, 2016  The ACT is used in combination with your GPA to determine college admissions and scholarship eligibility  You can take the ACT multiple times  Colleges and universities will look at your highest score

3 Upcoming ACT Dates  December 12—register by November 6  February 6—register by January 8  April 9—register by March 4  June 11—register by May 6

4 For more info on the ACT:   Registration information  Test dates  Testing centers  Practice tests  “Question of the day” test prep

5 ACT or SAT?  ACT is used more in the West; SAT is used more on the East coast  Check the website of the school you want to attend to see which test they prefer—many schools will accept either  PSAT (practice SAT) will be given to Juniors at Northridge on October 28 th  Pay $20 in the Main Office and take your recipet to Student Services to register  Tests are limited, so if you want to take it, register soon!

6 How do I find out about colleges and universities?   Information on every college and university in the United States  Financial aid information  Can search for:  Programs and degrees  Location  Size


8 What is the index score?  Your index score is a combination of your ACT / SAT score, and your GPA.  Colleges use the index for admissions and scholarships  Every college has different requirements and cut-offs

9 Weber State University (as an example)

10 Where can you learn more?   College and career information  Interest surveys to help you choose a career   ACT and SAT prep  Scholarship Wednesday every Wednesday in the Career Center during Tutorial  There are scholarships available for juniors! 

11 Questions?

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