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General Biology Classroom Guide. Contact Information – Phone – 735-4800 Conference period –

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1 General Biology Classroom Guide

2 Contact Information Email – Phone – 735-4800 Conference period – 5 th Hr.

3 Course Description As an introductory course, Biology I provides a broad overview of biological systems from simple to complex life forms through inquiry-based laboratory investigations. It is a prerequisite course for college- bound life science, medical, or microbiological students. AIDS prevention education will be taught in this course as mandated by state law.

4 First Semester Safety Scientific Method and Graphing* Ecology* The Cell/ Microscope* Diffusion/ Osmosis* Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration* Cell Division

5 Second Semester DNA* Genetics* Classification Evolution by Means of Natural Selection* Plant Responses Animal Behavior EOI Review/ EOI EXAM State Mandated AIDS Curriculum The Human Body

6 Labs 8 Core Labs will be conducted throughout the course of the year pertaining to the topics designated above with the asterisks. Lab safety procedures will be strictly enforced.

7 Grading Policy Total points of varying amounts based on importance. Weighted categories –Semester Work 80% –Semester Exam20% Grading Scale: –89.5-100%=A-59.5-69.4%=D –79.5-89.4%=B -0-59.4%=F –69.5-79.4%=C

8 TESTS, QUIZZES, AND EXAMS Several tests during semester multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and matching You will be informed of the dates of these tests in a timely manner. In addition, expect vocabulary quizzes on a regular basis.

9 TESTS, QUIZZES, AND EXAMS If you are absent for a test day (not the day before a test) you will have to arrange for a make-up test. Make-up tests are done by appointment. Make these appointments before class begins, after class, or after school

10 Late Assignment Policy Assignments that are handed in on time have the potential to receive full credit. Assignments that are handed in late (without good reason) will be worth a maximum of 50% credit.

11 Late Assignment Policy When a 9 Weeks Test is given in class, all missing work prior to that date will remain a “zero” in the grade book. Project and papers with long range deadlines are not accepted late.

12 Late Assignment Policy STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY to ask for make-up work when he/she is absent. I f a student is to be absent for a school activity, he/she should find out about any make-up work before leaving for the school activity.

13 EXTRA CREDIT Extra credit may be offered but will be for enrichment purposes and not in lieu of regularly assigned class work. It will be offered equally to all students and not to exceed 5% of a student’s total semester grade.

14 Tardy Policy When bell rings students are expected to be inside the door. If not you will be given a tardy. Two tardies = one unexcused absences If you are more than 5 minutes late you will be given an absence.

15 Discipline Policy Inappropriate behavior may result in detention, referral and/or parent contact. Detention will be held before or after school not during lunch. Failure to serve detentions will result in more detention or referral to office.

16 General Rules Respect Be Prepared Be on time Do NOT disturb or play with lab equipment No food or drinks allowed during labs ID’s must be worn Cell phones are not allowed in class.

17 Supplies Notebook (2 inches or more) Notebook Paper 5 Dividers Pencils and/or Pens (no pink or red ink) Colored Pencils 1 pair of closed goggles (optional) 1 bottle Liquid soap 3 rolls of paper towels 1 box of Kleenex

18 Notebooks Required Checked after each unit Counts as a test grade Purpose to help with organization, note taking and study skills

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