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1 The 9 th meeting of The Pan-European Transport Corridors and Areas Co-ordination Group Brussels, 7 March 2006 Report from the Chairman of PETC VI Mr.

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1 1 The 9 th meeting of The Pan-European Transport Corridors and Areas Co-ordination Group Brussels, 7 March 2006 Report from the Chairman of PETC VI Mr Wojciech Żarnoch (time period: IV 2005 – II 2006)

2 2 Corridor VI Corridors I, IV, V – connection in N-S axis Corridors II, III – cinnection in W-E axis I VI II III IV V V

3 3 TEN-T Priority projects of European Interest (Annex III of Decision 884/2004/EC) I. Projects within PETC VI No.23 – rail axle Gdańsk – Warsaw – Brno/Bratislava – Vienna; No.25 – motorway axle Gdańsk – Brno/Bratislava – Vienna; II. Projects linking with PETC VI in the North direction No.27 – Rail Baltica Warsaw – Kaunas – Riga – Tallinn – Helsinki; III. Projects linking with PETC VI in the South direction No.6 – rail axle Lyon – Trieste – Divaca/Koper – Ljubljana – Budapest – granica H/UA; No.22 – rail axle Athens – Sofia – Budapest – Vienna – Prague – Nurnberg/Dresden

4 4 Agenda of the Fourth Steering Committee Meeting of Pan-European Transport Corridor VI (Ostrava, 14. 11. 2005) 1.Recent developments of TEN-T (activity of TEN-T Committee, results of work of a High Level Group-2, revision of Corridors concept, documents concerning financing of TEN-T, etc.) 2.Information on inspection of Polish – Slovak section of road Corridor VI – results, conclusions, settlements taken up 3.Present status and future plans in Corridor VI - short report (railways, roads) 4.Present status and future plans of Corridors IV, V, VII in connection of Corridor VI 5.Information on SEBTrans Link project 6.Working plan of the Steering Committee – review of activities, discussion 7.Working plan of the Secretariat – review of activities, discussion 8.Discussion, comments, final conclusions, other business

5 5 Working Plan of the Secretariat of the Steering Committee for the Pan-European Transport Corridor VI in 2006 1.Setting up of a database i.e. data registers with regard to the current state of roads and railway lines along the Pan-European Transport Corridor VI. 2.Elaboration of annual report for Steering Committee Meetings on technical status of infrastructure along Corridor VI. 3.Elaboration of extracts from the TEM and TER Master Plans as regards motorway/road Corridor VI. 4.Preparation of a draft working plan for the Steering Committee and the Secretariat in 2006. 5.Preparation and organization of next Steering Committee Meeting in 2006.

6 6 Working Plan for the Steering Committee of the Pan-European Transport Corridor VI in 2006 1.Coordination of the PETC VI national and multinational actions with governments and other non-governmental units engaged in the facilitation of transport 2.Updating questionnaire on infrastructure, substructure, traffic and transport along the PETC VI for further years, analyze and data collection received from PETC VI Member Countries 3.Elaboration of annual progress report on infrastructure development in PETC VI 4.Permanent co-operation with the European Commission according to actual needs (DG REGIO, DG TREN) 5.Permanent co-operation with the Union for the Development of the Moravian-Silesian Region in order to spread a promotion and continuation a co-operation in PETC VI through participation and contribution in annual transport conferences in Ostrava

7 7 IV Steering Committee Meeting of the PETC VI (Ostrava, 14.11.2005) Final conclusions 1.It was confirmed the further progress in development of Corridor VI, as well as the need of continued close co-operation between its member countries and the neighbouring Corridors; 2.It was underlined that the countries should utilize all possibilities to speed up actions concerning Corridor development including the search for possibilities of its financing; 3.Close bilateral co-operation of the countries is needed in order to coordinate works particularly in the border areas and in finding the financial support of the EU; 4.The further co-operation with the other Corridors, European Commission and with the Union for the Development of the Moravian – Silesian Region in the view of the Ostrava Transport Conferences and some associated projects was considered to be very important too.

8 8 Conference TRANSPORT 2005 Ostrava, 15-16 November 2005 1.The most outstanding transport conference for the countries of VI PETC region; 2.Presentation of the Chairman: Pan-European Transport Corridor VI in face of new challenges created by transport infrastructure development in enlarged European Union; 3.Presentation included, among others, importance PETC VI for the region of Central Europe, PETC VI and priority projects of European interest No. 23, 25 and their connections with some others (27 - Rail Baltica, 6 - Lyon-Budapest and 22 - Athens- Nurnberg/Dresden), progress in development of PETC VI and further plans.

9 9 Construction and modernisation of transport infrastructure in PETC VI - rail (state of art: II 2006) 1.Poland – conclusion of tender procedure for the E 65 rail line modernisation in section Warsaw – Działdowo (length 148 km) – adjustment to AGC and AGTC parameters, planned period 2006 – 2013; 2. Czech Republic – termination of modernisation of all Czech section of the E 65 rail line Petrovice u Karvine – Břeclav in 2005;

10 10 Construction and modernisation of transport infrastructure in PETC VI – road (state of art: II 2006) Poland – beginning of the A-1 motorway construction in section Gdańsk – Nowe Marzy (length 91 km), planned termination 2008; 2.Continuation of the S-1 dual carriageway expressway construction in section Bielsko-Biała – Cieszyn – PL-CZ border (length 33 km), planned termination 2006; 3.Continuation of single carriageway expressway construction in section Żywiec – Zwardoń – PL-SK border (length 29 km), planned termination 2010, I stage (length 16,7 km) planned termination 2007; Czech Republic – opening to traffic the D-1 motorway, section Vyškov – Vrchoslavice (length 17,5 km); 5.Continuation of the D-47 motorway construction, section Lipnik n.B. – Ostrava – CZ-PL border (120 km), planned termination 2010; 6.Continuation of the R-48 dual carriageway expressway construction, section Hranice – Česky Těšin – CZ-PL border (długość 80 km), planned termination 2007, openning of subsection Frydek-Mistek – Dobra (length 8 km); Slovakia 7. Continuation of the D-3 motorway construction, section Hričovske Podhradie – Žilina – Čadca – SK-PL border (length 48 km), planned termination 2010.

11 11 Construction and modernisation of transport infrastructure in PETC VI – road (state of art: II 2006) 1 2 34 5 6 7

12 12 Further plans of projects implementation in Corridor VI in the area of transport infrastructure 1.Continuation of the A-1 motorway construction in Poland (planned termination: 2011); 2.Continuation of the D-1 and D-47 motorways construction in the Czech Republic (planned termination: 2010); 3.Continuation of the D-3 motorway construction in Slovakia na Słowacji (planned termination: 2010); 4.Continuation of expressways construction S-1 and S-69 in Poland, (planned termination respectively: 2015, 2010); 5.Continuation of the R-48 expressway construction in the Czech Republic (planned termination 2007); 6.Gradual removing of bottlenecks in rail and road routes (Poland – Czech Republic - Slovakia); 7.Termination of crucial infrastructure works in Corridor VI in the area of mutual rail connection and adjusting to the AGC, AGTC parameters until 2015 (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia).

13 13 Local review of existing status of roads on Corridor VI between Bielsko Biala and Zilina, linked with the meeting of the competent representatives of both involved sides, e.g. Poland and Slovakia (25 August 2005) - initiated by Mr. W. Zarnoch (Poland), the Chairman of the Corridor VI; - chaired by Mr W. Zarnoch (Poland) and Mr P. Barek (Slovakia); - the Secretariat of the PETC VI represented by Mr M. Hantak. In Poland the whole route on Corridor VI from Bielsko-Biala to Polish/Slovak border crossing Zwardon/Skalite is planned to be built in 3 stages. This split was made mostly from planning and financing point of view and did not mean that the works on the relevant stage could not start before the previous stage would be completed. The construction works were focused on first stage with a total length of approximately 28 km, located mostly in a heavy mountainous terrain. 3 subsections of total 7 are under construction, 2 are ready for a tender in a short time and two were completed, which indicates that the expected time of completion of the whole section 2007 is realistic. Within this stage: -the partial refurbishment and strengthening of S-69 road between Przybedza and Milowka will be materialized; - no special problems are expected during the construction of stage 2, planned to be materialized as a four lane expressway in period 2007-2009; - a solution enabling to avoid construction of two tunnels on the new subsection between “Przybedza’ and “Milowka” within the stage 3 which is on critical path now was found. In case of acceptation by all involved parties, the project will be financially eligible and works on it could start in 2007.

14 14 In Slovakia, according to the strategy of building a motorway and expressway network in the country in the time period 2006-2010(13), approved by the Slovak Government in the framework of building a new road/motorway connection to neighbouring countries, the link between Zwardon/Skalite border crossing and Zilina as a part of Corridor VI represents one of the priorities, as this connection will be built in a category of motorway (half of D3). The critical stretch on the route between the border crossing in Skalite and Zilina represents approximately 11,5km long subsection “Svrcinovec – Skalite”. This is located in very difficult terrain, where due to the implementation of strict EU measures from the environmental protection point of view, the alignment was shifted from valley to the mountain slopes. The Slovak side is preparing the geological survey and pilot tunnel, for which the financial support from EU funds will be made use of. The construction works are planned to start on this subsection in 2008. On their way the participants of the review stopped at the border crossing Zwardon/Skalite. They noted that necessary construction works were completed also on the Slovak side and that the road is prepared for opening. It is assumed that after fulfilment of all formalities and administration procedures, this subsection of road might be open to traffic (it was opened 16 January 2006). The next break on their trip to Zilina the participants made in Cadca, where they visited tunnel Horelica management centre. This tunnel, more than 600 m long represents a part of final route on Corridor VI (bypass of Cadca).

15 15 Conclusions of the local review: 1. The information received on the site, as well as during the meeting was evaluated as very useful and important for all who took part in it. 2. Both sides have declared their interest to facilitate the works along the Corridor VI, but taking into account relatively demanding environmental protection procedures, problems related to redemption of allotments and financial constrains, they indicated that the completion of the works under the most optimistic scenario could not be expected before the end of year 2009 or possibly 2010. 3. Even the date of completion of the works indicated in item 2 depends on smooth financing and will require substantial financial support from relevant EU funds. 4. As the full financing of construction costs represents the most crucial point for both sides, their representatives expressed their wish to deepen cooperation in this field and would consider the coordination of their further steps towards the EU (DG TREN). 5. Conclusions related to the completion of works as indicated in item 2 of these minutes will be utilized by experts of both sides in preparing the amendment of common agreement between Poland and Slovak Republic regarding the opening of road connection via Zwardon/Skalite to traffic without limitation.

16 16 Poland. Construction works of the S-69 expressway, section Żywiec – Zwardoń (state of art: August 2005)

17 17 Poland. Construction works of the S-69 expressway, section Żywiec – Zwardoń.

18 18 Poland. Construction works of the S-69 expressway, section Żywiec – Zwardoń.

19 19 Poland. Construction works of the S-69 expressway, section Żywiec – Zwardoń.

20 20 Poland. Construction of estacade in future alignement of the S-69 expressway, section Żywiec – Zwardoń.

21 21 Poland. The S-69 dual carriageway expressway linking the new crossing border point in Zwardoń.

22 22 Poland/Slovakia – end of the section of dual carriageway expressway open to traffic close to the crossing border point.

23 23 Slovakia. The „Horelica” tunnel constructed in 2003 close to the town of Cadca in the way of the road Corridor VI.

24 24 Slovakia. Management center of the „Horelica” tunnel.

25 25 Meeting of the Minister of Transport and Construction of the Republic of Poland – Mr Jerzy Polaczek and the Minister of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications of the Slovak Republic – Mr Pavol Prokopovič (Čadca, Slovakia, 16 January 2006). 1.Ministers confirmed mutual interest of priority and sustainable support of transport infrastructure construction between Poland and Slovakia, as well as creation of terms for further economic, trade and tourist exchange. 2.Both parites find necessary to take up activities in order to adjust the existing infrastructure to present and future needs. 3. In order to intensify works on revitalization of mutual rail carriages and infrastructure upgrading, the Ministers establish the Polish – Slovak Strategic Group on Rail Transport. The Group will adopt a program and a schedule of work until the end of April 2006. 4. Taking into account the New Financial Perspective for the period 2007 - 2013 and mutual tasks, both countries will do their best to take up comprehensive projects implementation, particularly aiming:

26 26 to speed up works on continuation of road construction in Pan-European Transport Corridor VI (especially in the section Żywiec – Zwardoń – Skalite – Čadca) using all possible available means to terminate works until 2010; to begin the S-19, S-9 and R-16 expressways construction (Białystok) – Lublin – Rzeszów – Prešov (Košice – state border with Hungary) with using European funds; to analyse rail projects which will be an object of work of permanent working group on rail transport; to search possibilities of using freight combined transport between Polish seaports and Slovakia. 5. The Ministers emphasized the need to adopt projects of mutual interest, aiming to remove barriers in effective development of cross-border co- operation. 6. The Ministers exchanged the views on transport policy of both countries, confirming the will of mutual aims implementation in the area of revitalization of rail and road infrastructure development.

27 27 New crossing border point between Poland and Slovakia in Zwardoń – Skalite opened to service in 16 January 2006 together with small section of the S-69 expressway and D-3 motorway located in road Corridor VI.

28 28 The ceremony of official opening of the Polish – Slovak crossing border point Zwardoń – Skalite in 16 January 2006 by the Minister of Transport and Construction of Poland Mr J. Polaczek and the Minister of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications of Slovakia Mr P. Prokopovic.

29 29 Press conference of the Polish and Slovak Ministers after opening the crossing border point Zwardoń – Skalite.

30 30 Thank you for attention. Mr Wojciech Żarnoch Chairman of Pan-European Transport Corridor VI Brussels, 7 March 2006

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