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Sectoral Operational Programme for Transport 2007-2013 BUCHAREST, ROMANIA 2008 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT MANAGING AUTORITHY FOR SOPT.

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Presentation on theme: "Sectoral Operational Programme for Transport 2007-2013 BUCHAREST, ROMANIA 2008 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT MANAGING AUTORITHY FOR SOPT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sectoral Operational Programme for Transport 2007-2013 BUCHAREST, ROMANIA 2008 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT MANAGING AUTORITHY FOR SOPT

2 SOP Transport 2007-2013 WHAT IS SOPT? Instrument elaborated upon the objectives of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), establishing:  The priorities  The goals  The allocation of funds for development of the transport sector in Romania with EU aid. TIME? 2007-2013

3 SOP-Transport 2007-2013 RESOURCES Total Budget: 5.694 MEUR Sources:  State Budget: 1.130 MEUR  European Commission financial support: 4.563 MEUR  Cohesion Fund  European Regional Development Fund  Co-financing: 85 % CF, 75% ERDF

4 Strategy Direction ? Priority Axis 1 - 3.854 MEUR (CF + SB) Modernization and development of TEN-T priority axes, aiming at sustainable transport system integrated with EU transport network.  K.A.I. 1.1. - Road infrastructure along the TEN-T Priority Axis no. 7; 1.850 MEUR  K.A.I. 1.2. - Railway infrastructure along the TEN-T Priority Axis no. 22; 1.775 MEUR  K.A.I. 1.3. - Water transport infrastructure along the TEN-T Priority Axis no. 18. 228,9 MEUR

5 Strategy Priority Axis 2 – 1.397 MEUR (ERDF + SB) Modernization and development of the national transport infrastructure outside the TEN-T priority axes, aiming at sustainable national transport system.  K.A.I. 2.1 - National road infrastructure, 509,47 MEUR  K.A.I. 2.2 - National railway infrastructure, 634,67 MEUR  K.A.I. 2.3 - River and maritime ports, 179,64 MEUR  K.A.I. 2.4 - Air transport infrastructure, 74,515 EUR

6 Strategy Priority Axis 3 – 322,89 MEUR (ERDF + SB) Modernization of transport sector, aiming at higher degree of environmental protection, human health and passenger safety.  K.A.I. 3.1- Promote inter-modal transport, 34,082 MEUR  K.A.I. 3.2 - Improve traffic safety across all transport modes, 270,50 MEUR  K.A.I. 3.3 - Minimize adverse effects of transport on the environment, 18,313 MEUR

7 Strategy Priority axis 4 – 122,58 MEUR (ERDF + SB) Technical Assistance  K.A.I. 4.1 - Provide support for effective SOP-T managing, implementing, monitoring and controlling,  K.A.I. 4.2 - Provide support for information and publicity regarding SOP-T.

8 Strategy Priority AxisBeneficiaries% total allocation (EU+SB) Priority Axis 1: Modernization and development of TEN-T priority axes, aiming at sustainable transport system integrated with EU transport network. National Company for Motorways and National Roads National Company for Railways “CFR SA” Lower Danube Administration 68% Priority Axis 2: Modernization and development of the national transport infrastructure outside the TEN-T priority axes, aiming at sustainable national transport system National Company for Motorways and National Roads National Company for Railways “CFR SA” Constanta Port port and airport administrations 24% Priority Axis 3: Modernization of transport sector, aiming at higher degree of environmental protection, human health and passenger safety Intermodal infrastructure administrators Giurgiu Port Administration others 6% Priority Axis 4 Technical Assistance MA SOPT2% ~ 5mld. €

9 MA SOPT RESPONSIBILITIES Prepare the SOPT, in observance of the objectives and priorities set forth by the National Strategic Reference Framework and National Development Plan; Ensure the consistency between the SOPT under the coordination of the ACIS; Monitor the achievement of general results and the impact defined by SOPT Monitor the development of the administrative capacity of the structures involved in the execution of the SOPT, as well as the consolidation and extension of the partnerships throughout the planning process, as well as throughout all the implementation phases of the SOPT; Ensure the implementation of the SOPT in observance of the recommendations of the Monitoring Committees, of the EU regulation and of the Community principles and policies, especially the ones in the fields of competition, public procurement, environment, gender equality Develop and promote partnerships at the central level, as well as between the central, regional and local levels, including public-private partnerships;

10 MA SOPT RESPONSIBILITIES Analyze and propose amendments to the SOPT and forward the proposals regarding fund re-allocations within the Operational Programme to the relevant Monitoring Committee of SOPT Elaborate implementation procedures for the SOPT Prepare the appraisal and selection criteria for projects and approve the projects submitted by the beneficiaries; Ensure the proper information dissemination to citizens and the mass-media regarding the role of the European Union in the execution of the SOPT and raise the awareness of the potential beneficiary professional organization regarding the opportunities generated by the implementation of the SOPT Responsible for the efficient, effective and transparent use of the funds that support the SOPT; Set up the Monitoring Committee for the SOPT in observance of the principles of partnership, representation, equality of opportunity between genders; ensures the presidency and the secretariat of the MC SOPT Participates in the annual meetings with the European Commission aimed at examining the results of the previous year.

11 MA SOPT Responsibilities MA SOPT responsibility in the procurement field –Through Technical Verification and Conformity Unit verifies the procurement documentation of the beneficiaries (CN ADNR SA, CN CFR SA); –Verify all procurement procedures at the “Certification of expenditure” phase (ex post) if no ex-ante control took place.

12 MA SOPT and the Procurement Public procurement for MA SOPT (under priority axes 4): Organized through: Directorate for Project Implementation, GDFFA Organized in compliance with: prevision of the Emergency Governmental Ordinance, no 34/2006 Instrument: SEAP For: projects financed under Priority Axis 4 – Technical Assistance Examples of projects: »Courses and trainings for MA and Beneficiaries »Publicity and communication projects »Preparing the procurement »Studies, etc.

13 Beneficiaries FOR WHOM?  National Company for Motorways and National Roads.  National Company for Railways “CFR SA”.  Others: maritime and fluvial port administrations, airport administrations, others.

14 Beneficiaries responsibilities Main responsibilities: The initiation of operations, including preparation of project (FS, Technical project, etc.); Preparation of and ensuring compliance with the financial plan; Responsibility for ensuring the implementation of the entire operation; Contracting, in accordance with the provisions of the Emergency Governmental Ordinance, no 34/2006 Ensuring that expenditure has been paid for the purpose of implementing the operation and corresponds to the activities agreed; Ensuring the verification of accuracy and eligibility of expenditure; Publicity

15 Beneficiaries responsibilities Contracting Organizing the procurement process respecting the national law - Emergency Governmental Ordinance no. 34/2006 For: - works - services - supplies Instrument for tender announcement: SEAP, Official Journal of EU Signing the contract Payments to the contractor

16 EVALUATION PROCESS Monitoring Committee -Approves the evaluation - and selection criteria Managing Authority Registers the application form Validates the eligibility of the project Analyses the projects Verifies the conformity with the EU and national rules regarding the State Aid Notifies the applicant regarding the Evaluation Committee decision Prepares the financing contract YES Evaluation Committee -Technical and financial evaluation - of the projects submitted EC Major projects Prepares the application form Receives the rejection notice Beneficiary Submits the inquired documents Requests information Receives the notification related to the project financing Submits the needed documents and signs the financing contract

17 Eligible projects - PA 1 ProjectModeTotal Budget EU + SB- EUR Motorway Nădlac-AradRoad167.862.627 Motorway Orăştie - SibiuRoad761.666.422 Motorway Timişoara – LugojRoad266.412.473 Motorway Lugoj - DevaRoad328.222.440 By Pass SebeşRoad44.140.221 Railway rehabilitation Curtici – Simeria (part of)Rail396.476.405 Railway rehabilitation Simeria – Coşlariu – Sighişoara – Braşov (part of) Rail420.578.763 Railway rehabilitation Predeal - Braşov Rail569.257.418 Porţile de Fier II – Călăraşi Naval79.297.558 Călăraşi – Sulina Naval28.929.662 Works on Sulina Canal Naval91.081.186

18 Eligible projects - PA 2 ProjectModeTotal Budget EU + SB- EUR NR rehabilitation Zalău - AlesdRoad28.439.212 NR rehabilitation Galaţi/Vaslui limita de judeţ - CrasnaRoad37.539.761 NR rehabilitation Crasna – AlbiţaRoad30.031.809 NR rehabilitation Alexandria - CraiovaRoad112.243.874 NR rehabilitation Săbăoani - SiretRoad108.069.009 NR rehabilitation Bucureşti – Adunaţii CopăceniRoad20.476.234 NR rehabilitation Timişoara – CenadRoad62.566.268 By passes (Dej, Buftea, Mangalia, Mihăileşti, Craiova Sud, Filipaşi, Târgu Frumos, Budeşti, Fălticeni, Pucioasa, Târgu Jiu, Carei, Valea lui Mihai, Sculeni, Paşcani) Road37.255.402 Rail tunnels / bridgesRail197.004.720 Interoperability technical specificationsRail9.103.203 Rail station upgrade - Miercurea Ciuc, Satu Mare, Târgovişte Târgu Jiu, Baia Mare - 16 rail stations - under prioritization Rail102.627.237 Rolling stockRail227.421.413 Rail access in Constanta PortNaval11.375.688 Road bridge over Danube – Black Sea CanalNaval18.201.101 North Breakwater extensionNaval95.555.782 Danube portsNaval28.439.221 AirportsAir57.128.700

19 Eligible projects - PA 3 ProjectModeTotal Budget EU + SB- EUR Intermodal terminalsIntermodal RORIS II – VTMIS DanubeTraffic safety32.437.486 Automatic barriers at level crossing Train axles overheating detectors Traffic safety61.108.988 Linear villages Crash barriers Traffic safety163.837.203 Environmental strategy for transportEnvironment1.137.758 Study of salt water intrusion at canal locksEnvironment1.137.758 Waste water treatment / depol vessels on DanubeEnvironment13.653.090

20 Projects for 2008 ProjectMod of transport Motorway Timisoara - Aradroad Motorway Cernavoda - Constantaroad Constanta by - passroad Pilot Project for ERTMS, level 2 on Chitila – Crivinarail Railway stations upgrade (Baia Mare, Satu Mare)rail Constanta Port rail accessrail Danube – Black Sea Canal road bridgeroad North breakwater extensionnaval Works for the improvement of road safety on DN 1 road

21 Projects for 2008 ProjectMod of transport Works for the improvement of road safety on national roads road RORIS II – Danube VTMSwater Waste water treatment / depol vessels on Danubewater


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